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>> No.45770445 [View]
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You've gotten work as an assistant the the library in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The librarian is aloof and you get the feeling she thinks you're a bit slow, and you never can get a feel for how the place is laid out, almost like it's shifting around you. But it's not bad work. You get room and board, the work isn't too stressful, and you've become friends with the gatekeeper. She's even helping you exercise, and you've in the best shape of your life because of it.

One day while finishing dusting one the the shelves, you hear noises in the library. When you go over to check, you see that white and black witch standing in a cloud of smoke while Patchouli is coughing on the ground "I'll just be taking those grimoires, I need them much more then you ~ze" You've filled with angry. Doesn't she know Patchouli has serious issues with inhaling smoke, and it could damage the books? With the anger of someone with his job on the line, you do the only thing you can. You run up to her and deck her in the head. The magician sprawls to the ground, knocked out in a single punch. You help Patchouli up and she thanks you for your help, before she says for the maid to throw the witch's body away.

But that's not the last you see of Marisa. She continues her assaults on the library, and always get caught by you and never seems to fight back. At first you thought she was off her game and was avoiding hurting a regular human, but it was more then that.

This is the sixth time she's broken in this week, and it's only Thursday. You managed to reach Marisa and grab the diminutive witch by the shoulders, after forcing the bag of books out of her hand. She stares up at you, face flushed, panting, eyes wide and a annoying grin on her face "I'm just gonna come back tomorrow you know. You're too soft" Frustrated, you grab her neck to shut her up. To your surprise, her face flushes even more and she lets out a soft groan. "You're so weak, even a fairy could squeeze harder" she hisses out .

You tighten your grip, being careful not to hurt her too much. "Yesssss" she whispers under her breath as you squeeze. After a few seconds, you stop and let her drop to the floor. After she regains her breath, she wobbles to her feet and quickly makes her escape before you can do a thing to stop her.

This witch is really starting to annoy you.

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