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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.5415755 [View]
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God, /jp/ is so gullible. It's not even "summerfags" you people are just easily led by the nose.

>> No.4750474 [View]
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>isn't sageproof

Yes it is

Because sage does nothing

>> No.4630020 [View]
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>Japanese-American guy going to
Stopped reading here

Wrong board

>> No.4445716 [View]
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Reported for >>>/n/

>> No.4383505 [View]
File: 221 KB, 849x1199, sample-986b15217fbbf6071b53d09e96bc8ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of people that want to discuss Japan
>hordes of troll/touhoufags

The math on this one doesn't check out. This is a slow, relatively unpopulated board. There's no room for "hordes" or "a lot of" on either side.

In either case, it's irrelevant, because if the vast majority of people on this board don't want to discuss Japan, then we won't discuss Japan.

/int/ is the official board for discussion of countries anyways. Sort of the way that anime is technically Japan related, but doesn't go in /jp/ because of /a/'s existence. In that same way, international discussion goes in /int/ because it relates more specifically to that board.

Anyways, if it's obviously going to be a pain to discuss it here due to the people you mentioned (touhoufags, trolls) hounding you for it, then why not discuss it in /int/ where it will be welcomed with open arms? Why fight to discuss it in a board that clearly wants none of it?

>> No.4309131 [View]
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I do not understand this at all. Was this directed at me or life in general?

>> No.4271099 [View]
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We get it, he's madd
Back to thread topic.

>> No.4268134 [View]
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No sir, I don't like it.

>> No.4257147 [View]
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copypasta'd from another thread
It is extraordinary how blind one may be to the faults and crimes of his own people, and how reluctant to admit them. We sing heroic soldier-songs with energy and enthusiasm, and are amazed to find number in a Japanese audience disapproving, because of the bloody deeds celebrated in such an exultant way.
We read daily in our papers and on the news the details of the most blood curdling crimes, and often of the most abhorrent and unnatural ones; and yet we make no special reflections on the conditions of society where such things are possible, or put ourselves much out of the way to arouse the people to a due sense of the degradation and stain on the community at large because of such things.
But we go to another country like Japan and perhaps find a new species of vice; its novelty at once arrests our attention, and forthwith we howl at the enormity of the crime and the degradation of the nation in which such a crime could originate, send home the most exaggerated accounts, malign the people without stint, and then prate to them about our Christian morality

>> No.4222500 [View]
File: 221 KB, 849x1199, sample-986b15217fbbf6071b53d09e96bc8ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if moot is pissing someone like YOU off, he's doing something right, and has my vote of confidence.

>> No.3694474 [View]
File: 221 KB, 849x1199, sample-986b15217fbbf6071b53d09e96bc8ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seriously, where did all the decent drawfags come from. Last I knew, every /jp/ drawfag was either beginner tier or just mediocre


>> No.3647579 [View]
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/jp/ doesn't care about Japan, you seem to forget this. Try a better trolling technique next time around, maybe you'll get a decent result.

>> No.3422304 [View]
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>Any specific way you go about capturing and/or playing in VN /jp/?

I save my valuable time and download the H-CG sets as I am not a faggot

>> No.3095936 [View]
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everyone go home

>> No.2953267 [View]
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Annoying fans vocalizing embarrassingly stupid memes that only they care about to people who have never heard of it, Roleplaying, Taking the names and pictures of various characters and using them as their name/avatars on forums, BBS (4chan), TF2 servers etc, Cosplaying where they have no business cosplaying. General retarded juvenile behavior

Sounds like naruto/touhou to me.

>> No.2934594 [View]
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>hymens get broken by other means? Like exercising, or, you know, masturbating
Then she's not a virgin

>> No.2892640 [View]
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There was an English kind of thing like this flying around the other boards a while back


something like that.
Didn't work on me very well. Much better than I expected, but still not very good

>> No.2823786 [View]
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>food anime

I thought you were dead

I hoped you were dead anyways. Sage

>> No.2795035 [View]
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Sorry, your Japanese friends act like faggots on the internet just like anyone else. Sorry to break your delusion

>> No.2646473 [View]
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Well then, I hope you enjoy having one ball like Tom Green. I'll enjoy my painless yearly physical with my family friend doctor.

>> No.2602887 [View]
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My species is completely capable of "protecting" themselves without my contribution.
My "contributing" would actually only harm people

For example: Resources are that much scarcer for others as there is another mouth to feed/educate/buy useless shit for, etc.
I can do a lot better for both myself and others by buying some small tract of land up North and keeping to myself.

>> No.2564451 [View]
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>> No.2534624 [View]
File: 221 KB, 849x1199, sample-986b15217fbbf6071b53d09e96bc8ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see a female touhou fan, I see the same thing as I see in a female Naruto fan

After all, the fandoms are essentially one in the same now.

I can say this with confidence even as a touhou fan myself. Anyone who disagrees is kidding themselves.

>> No.2244458 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 221 KB, 849x1199, sample-986b15217fbbf6071b53d09e96bc8ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No self-respecting /jp/er goes to /b/, someone (probably /g/ or /v/) is intentionally trolling you to use you as their unwitting personal army to invade /jp/

tl;dr you're being used and you fell for it.

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