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>> No.6191688 [View]
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>Wrote part of this in a Ran thread and have only >just got around to finishing it. Figured I would >post it for your viewing pleasure. Its a Ran x >Chen story, enjoy.

Ran was waiting in a neighboring room, tapping her foot impatiently. Her tails twisted themselves around each other in annoyance. It had been almost an hour without a fix and she was starting to show signs of withdraw symptoms. She needed it, and fast. However Chen had not yet left to go on the errands that Ran had so carefully prepared beforehand. Come on Chen she yerned, leave the room already.

Chen yawned, scratching behind her ear with one outstretched hand. She gazed around for a while, daydreaming before hopping up off the floor and stretching with her arms raised high. She left through the sliding door which had been left open. Ran waited a few moments, careful not to let her lust get the better of her. She had managed to endure this long, a few more moments wouldn't hurt. Ran listened for a few minutes. Nothing could be heard. Carefully, she entered the room and with one wave of her hand, the doors flew closed.

Ran started to drool with anticipation. Her prize was right below her on the floor. Chen always groomed herself and left scattered hairs of various types all over the place. For most home owners this would be an annoyance, but Ran savored the sweet smells and textures. Ran crouched down and rubbed her hands over the floor searching for that wonderful feeling, that slightly ticklish sensation that she longed for.

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