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>> No.45550624 [View]
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>be me
>live in place where portals opened
>somehow didn't get raped before the national guard came in and defused the situation by all their men being just as horny as those fucking things
>old roommate got married and moved to some castle with a japanese flavored dragon-lady in their world
>one of their people becomes my roommate
>some kind of black and purple dragon-lady
>total NEET who took advantage of the gold-USD exchange rate
>she's waiting for, "dirty raccoons to stop fondling her money" so she has to budget for a while
>tells me all these stories about how great she is for being a dragon
>unironically sounds like a /pol/tard
>all I see is her locked away in her room clacking away at her PC, which she spent more on than a bed
>claims she is trading crypto to cover costs but anytime I ask her for specific details she always skirts around it
>eventually my curiosity gets the better of me and after she flies off to run errands, I get on her PC and investigate
>see that she left tabs open on her browser
>OpenAI playground is there plus at least three GUIs for various programs and another browser open with 20 tabs of github links
>read through the chatlog
<Dragoncel: So how are you doing today my lovely husband?
<Chatbot: pretty good now that you're here.
<Dragoncel: Great! So here, look at this, do you think this dress matches my horns, or do you think the white blends too much with my hair?
<Chatbot: I think whatever you wear is fine but personally I would go with something without frills as it doesn't match your scale pattern.
>she writes an essay to this thing
>feel kinda bad since I can see myself doing something like when I was younger
>decide to poke around a bit and see what the hell she was doing to make ChatGPT type like that
>see that she used some character creating site to feed it pre-made conversations and character traits to replicate
>"huh that's funny I swore I talked to her about that the other day"
>realize that she has been taking my texts, putting them on her PC and feeding them to her personal husbandobot
I'm unsure if I should confront her about this or not. It's not like I mind it, but I don't want my private conversations getting funneled to data harvesting firms. On one hand I definitely invaded her privacy, but on the other she kinda crossed that line first. What I'm confused about most of all though is why she would use me as a basis for her ideal man? I'm curious and after all, what's the worse that can happen?

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