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>> No.16877604 [View]
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the shit music, the complete lack of energy even in their dances, A-chans non stop shilling, yuka being phased out almost completely to the point she even makes a joke about it in perfume view, being critically paned for pensees, mikiko being lazy and not making any new entertaining dances most of the time, the tired look an all three members eyes (even high energy A-chan looks like she wants a long rest), even the live shows have turned to shit, even the MV's have turned to shit, even the names of their albums and singles are lazily named, even perfume took a back seat for their own music video just so they could make a pokemon go advert clone without having to run around a set like with pick me up, even pick me up their worst song had a MV that was fantastic compaired to this shit.

b-b-but tokyo girl is a masterpiece it took 12 hours to make.

pick me up was the first nail in the coffin, imitation world was the second, cosmic explorer was the third and now tokyo girl is the last. it doesn't matter how good hoseki no ame is people here are just tired. I could talk about perfume forever but theres no point doing it when all the old fags at this point don't want to talk about them. and I'm sure as hell not speaking to a bunch of fags migrating from other sites.

have you seen perfume city?
have you seen the perfume discord group?

talk of perfume has pretty much died though out the internet.

>> No.14226483 [View]
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, perfume react to another year of perfume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nocchi: no friends (s'stop telling that lie A~chan I do have friends I'I just don't show them off). lol who are you kidding nocchi, you don't have any real friends. I'm going to go out on a wim and say its because she doesn't like people who suck up to people and also say she hates people who are full of themselves, which makes it hard to make friends as a famous person. her daily routine is wake up, nap, take shower, watch tv, play video games, watch tv until very late then got to bed. that doesn't sound fun. her views on perfume are probably "lets ride this out so I can save as much money as I can so I never have to work again" she is a college drop out so she is probably the one with the most savings right now.

Yuka:hey guys look at my friend guys (I'I have other friends but I'I just want to show this one off) okay yuka does likely have quite a few friends but she probably doesn't hang out with them much, she is probably a little stuck up when it comes to hanging out with non famous people, we have seen her in the past chilling other famous people but when she said "I had a long break and all of my friends were on holiday at the same time so I just wandered around on my own when I met my friend, within 2 weeks we went to hawaii together" (can't remember if it was actually hawaii) it makes it seem like she isn't really close to anyone. yuka is probably chill as all fuck but people say she is pretty damn rude and blunt to fans when not at meet and greets, see refuses to talk to fans on the street and even admitted ignoring a fan who recognized her. her view on perfume is probably "I hope I can be a model after this" yuka can't act, sing and she isn't very charismatic, not to mention she has a mickey mouse degree so is pretty fucked after perfume. do JAV

A~chan: tons of friends, lots of connections, charismatic, talented and looked up to. she likely gets paid more than the other two to be honest maybe not in royalties but likely in salary. she has a qualification in economics which means after perfume she doesn't even have to stay on tv to get big bucks but know how much of an attention seeker is she likely will look for any time slot she can on tv.
she will likely become a solo act and as much as I want that, it will likely fail. something tells me A~chan is very happy. A~chan makes it very obvious that she thinks she is better than her peers. A~chan likely keeps perfume going because she doesn't see them as friends but little sisters at this point ironically. A~chan has never been liked in japan or any Asian country but is fan favorite by a mile in every country in the west. A~chans thoughts on perfume is likely "get famous world wide, drag nocchi and yuka along for the ride and then go solo internationally." it is exactly like A~chan to have big dreams like this. she wants to be the maria carey of japan.

something tells me non of them hate being in perfume. something tells me A~chan wants this to drag on for at least half a decade more but something tells me that wont happen. if anyone is unhappy with perfume it is likely A~chan.

tl;dl: long pile of depressing shit that you would do good to skip over.

I just like to type

>> No.14226422 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, perfume react to another year of perfume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats will all the people here that don't know anything about perfumes personal life.

they keep that shit locked up but they do sometimes tell us about what their life is a little like. we pretty much have to take their word for it but from what they say their life's aren't great.

Nocchi: no friends (s'stop telling that lie A~chan I do have friends I'I just don't show them off). lol who are you kidding nocchi, you don't have any real friends. I'm going to go out on a wim and say its because she doesn't like people who suck up to people and also say she hates people who are full of themselves, which makes it hard to make friends as a famous person. her daily routine is wake up, nap, take shower, watch tv, play video games, watch tv until very late then got to bed. that doesn't sound fun. her views on perfume are probably "lets ride this out so I can save as much money as I can so I never have to work again" she is a college drop out so she is probably one one with the most savings right now.

Yuka:hey guys look at my friend guys (I'I have other friends but I'I just want to show this one off) okay yuka does likely have quite a few friends but she probably doesn't hang out with them much, she is probably a little stuck up when it comes to hanging out with non famous people, we have seen her in the past chilling other famous people but when she said "I had a long break and all of my friends were on holiday at the same time so I just wandered around on my own when I met my friend, within 2 weeks we went to hawaii together (can't remember if it was actually hawaii). yuka is probably chill as all fuck but people say she is pretty damn rude and blunt to fans when not at meet and greets, see refuses to talk to fans on the street and even admitted it when they were slightly less popular. her view on perfume is probably "I hope I can be a model after this" yuka can't act, sing and she isn't very charismatic so is pretty fucked after perfume. do JAV

A~chan: tons of friends, lots of connections, charismatic, talented and looked up to. she likely gets paid more than the other two to be honest maybe not in royalties but likely in salary. she has a qualification in economics which means after perfume she doesn't even have to stay on tv to get big bucks but know how much of an attention seeker is she likely will took for any time slot she can on tv.
she will likely become a solo act and as much as I want that, it will likely fail. something tells me A~chan is very happy. A~chan makes it very obvious that she thinks she is better than her peers. A~chan likely keeps perfume going because she doesn't see them as friends but little sisters at this point ironically . A~chan has never been liked in japan or any Asian country but is fan favorite by a mile in every country in the west. A~chans thoughts on perfume is likely "get famous world wide, drag nocchi and yuka along for the ride and then go solo internationally." it is exactly like A~chan to have big dreams like this. she wants to be the maria carey of japan.

something tells me non of them hate being in perfume. something tells me A~chan wants this to drag on for at least half a decade more but something tells me that wont happen. if anyone is unhappy with perfume it is likely A~chan.

>> No.13983344 [View]
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, perfume react to another year of perfume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not its "perfume react to another year of perfume"

>> No.13469101 [View]
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 10368946_962519467101322_8233040567206201250_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw A~chan is the only person who cares about perfume now.

mikiko become a hack last year was the sign that the last person who cared about perfume has stopped trying.

the story of perfume is director of a famous group got placed with perfume and didn't want to fuck up her portfolio with a failed idol group so went full shill mode until they were successful. getting big name nakata to make there music and pretty much putting everything she had into making them make it big. nakata never gave a fuck about perfume and they have always just been a pay check for him.

pretty much ever since game went double platinum their manager has given zero fucks. kashiyuka stopped giving a fuck god knows when, and nocchi never gave any fucks. perfume has been going so long that mother figure mikiko doesn't even give a fuck anymore. she is probably tired of making dances for the same group over and over and she has other work and wants to do new things.

A~chan I litrually the only person who is passionate at this point. and seeing everyone else not care must be killing her, everyone is waiting for them to fade away but she never wants it to die poor girl, she should go solo for sure after, I would support that

>> No.13391608 [View]
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 10368946_962519467101322_8233040567206201250_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfumes reaction to another year of touring.

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