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>> No.21967687 [View]
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okay, story time

>travel to NYC for Miku Expo
>in the VIP line, handing out cyalume glowsticks
>somehow meet アイスブリッツ (@iceblitz) while handing out the glowsticks
>he thanks me and we ended exchanging名刺
> アイスブリッツ and I would end up greeting eachother frequently, saying "オハヨーハヨー"
>fast forward 2017
>travel to japan for マジミラ
> アイスブリッツ finds out that I'm in 秋葉原 via twitter
>asks me if I want to meet up with him after he finishes work
>somehow, it didn't quite occur to me that he wanted to take me to an 居酒屋
>that day, I had the audacity to dress up like I came straight out of alabama
>camo ballcap hat with chevy logo
>camo tee shirt
>blue denim jeans
>I dressed up like a redneck as a joke
>find myself in アメヤ横丁 eating a kebab and たこ焼きbefore meeting up with アイスブリッツ like an idiot
> meet up with アイスブリッツ at 秋葉原 Station
> notices me looking so out of place, compares me to dressing up for halloween
> he takes me to an 居酒屋
>legit 居酒屋
>absolutely no fucking tourists in sight within this place whatsoever
>the menu was completely in japanese, no english menu available
>walking by rooms of people dressing up in the same way
>arrive at the table, taking a seat at one of those tables where you have to take off your shoes, place your feet under the floor, and sit on the floor sort of deal
>the japanese couple next to the two of us couldn't stop staring at me
>i only had google translate to save me from complete awkwardness and have something short of what you would call a conversation between アイスブリッツ and I
>he orders a bunch of food, oblivious to the fact that I ate a few hours prior
>oh fuck
>he then orders the Hatsune Sake (!!!) and we both end up getting shitfaced
>thankfully, bilingual friend comes on in joins the two of us
>have an amazing time while dressed like a redneck
>end up walking back to my apartment drunk as fuck that night
>fast forward March 2018
>get an idea for 飲みオフ会 following the Washington DC show
>brainstorm with アイスブリッツ
>he tells me to take charge of the event via twipla.jp post
>used twipla.jp for signing up for events, but never used it to organize events prior
>have a difficult time figuring out how to organize the event
>spend some time researching where to go for the party
>become oblivious as to how アイスブリッツ wanted me to handle it
>turns out that アイスブリッツ wanted me to publicize the event before i began any research
>each passing day, every time i greet him, he gets increasingly angry at me
>didn't know that there was a bar open late outside of the venue
>find a burger joint 10-15 minutes away from the venue
> アイスブリッツ then tells me he wants to find a place suitable for the japanese people to dine at
>all of the Japanese oriented restaurants are closed past 10pm
>find a Chinese Karaoke place open late
>somehow had the stupid idea of using this place for the party
> アイスブリッツ reluctantly agrees to this place
>after organizing the twipla event, i was so torn apart from アイスブリッツ getting angry at me for not organizing the event the way he wanted me to
>somehow get the notion that nobody in the vocaloid fandom no longer cares about me anymore
>end up canceling the twipla event without giving anybody notice
>go into hiding
>july 2018
>get to the venue, preparing a letter on my phone for アイスブリッツ to read for apology as to what I've done
>as soon as I try to talk to him inside the concert venue, he immediately yells at me in japanese without giving me any chance to talk back
>I have absolutely no idea what he said, but I felt the anger in his words
>3-4 of his friends behind him were trying to calm him down, noticeably worried as they waved their hands over him to give him the notion "hey, cut him some slack!"
>mfw having to stand directly in front of him the entire show

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