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>> No.16365060 [View]
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You're right, what dooms a lot of OELVN dev teams is that they spend all of their energy on trying to appear professional, while story and characters aren't thought out nearly well enough.

Ryukishi was a social worker at one point, and clearly he thought a lot about social dynamics, the difficulties people have with trusting eachother, what it means to love, how relationships fall apart, etc.. He has a good enough understanding of those concepts to be able to turn them into themes for his stories.

Saber and Shirous relationship is the most obvious example imo. Shirous ideal is the hero who saves everyone, a hero that preserves their own humanity. Sabers ideal throughout life is to be the perfect king, a hero that sacrifices their humanity for the greater good. This is the ideal Kiritsugu was pursuing throughout his lifetime as well, the ideal he ultimately rejected at the end of the last holy grail war, which ties in directly to Shirous past.
"Sacrificing one village to save ten" is the ideal Shirou is supposed to DIRECTLY OPPOSE thematically, so his reaction to learning about Sabers past at the end of Fate, his nonchalant acceptance of it, is breaking with his character on a fundamental level. To me it felt like Nasu was just dragging his characters along like puppets at this point to make the ending conform with his draft, rather than allowing it to develop dynamically. He just forced the story into the shape he wanted it to be, eventhough it went against everything the characters he created stood for.

The ero scenes in the Saber route are another example of a writer who has zero respect for their characters integrity. Like, for christs sake, I get that you didn't want to write these, but forcing your characters into this situation with a plot device isn't erotic in the slightest, it's just sad and disgusting. Stop with the bullshit and learn to write fucking romance for crying out loud. I find the thought of making your characters behave in ways that they normally wouldn't absolutely repelling.

Sorry about the rant.

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