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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9290445 [DELETED]  [View]
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Maid Cafe opens in Detroit


Are you a racist?

>> No.9144432 [View]
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>> No.9137824 [View]
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>> No.9014147 [View]
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>living in the US
>play Diablo III
>causal as fuck

>living in Japan
>play Diablo III
>being a imported game
>not even have a JP server here
>go to Asia server, full of Korean and Taiwanese
>decide to play alone
>edgy and hipster

>> No.8846623 [View]
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/jp/, how do you prove you haven't trapped in a time loop?

>> No.8840382 [View]
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/jp/, how do you prove you haven't trapped in a time loop?

>> No.8840263 [DELETED]  [View]
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/jp/, how do you prove you haven't trapped in a time loop?

>> No.8835039 [View]
File: 25 KB, 371x387, higunap097hhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, how do you prove you haven't trapped in a time loop?

>> No.8831816 [DELETED]  [View]
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/jp/, how do you prove you haven't trapped in a time loop?

>> No.8809861 [View]
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>that feel when you are so socially retarded you proofread your posts dozens of time then once you are satisfied with it you click submit and walk around the room because you are embarrassed and when you come back you find out you typed the captcha wrong and have to do it again then spend the rest of the night waiting for someone to reply but no one ever does

>> No.8775984 [View]
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Does the anime version have this face?

>> No.8757530 [View]
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What is autism?

Common symptoms:
>Social skills: Fails to respond to his or her name, poor eye contact, seems not to hear you at times, resists cuddling and holding, appears unaware of others' feelings, seems to prefer playing alone.

>Language: Starts talking after age 2, loses previously acquired ability to say words or sentences, speaks with an abnormal tone or rhythm -- may use a singsong voice or robot-like speech, can't start a conversation or keep one going, may repeat words or phrases verbatim, but doesn't understand how to use them.

>Behavior: Performs repetitive movements, such as rocking, spinning or hand-flapping, develops specific routines or rituals and is disturbed by the slightest change of routine or ritual, constant movement, fascination by parts of an object, such as the spinning wheels of a toy car, may be unusually sensitive to light, sound and touch and yet oblivious to pain.

>As they mature, some children with autism become more engaged with others and show less marked disturbances in behavior. Some, usually those with the least severe problems, eventually may lead normal or near-normal lives. Others, however, continue to have difficulty with language or social skills, and the adolescent years can mean a worsening of behavioral problems.

Read more here: http://www.bnd.com/2012/03/25/2114387/what-is-autism-the-mayo-clinic.html#storylink=cpy

>> No.8734950 [View]
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3. Children with autism are not affectionate

>This isn’t true – children with autism can and do show affection. But this expression may differ from other children because of unusual responses to sensory stimuli. Children with autism may be oversensitive to touch or hugs, for instance, but may have a high threshold for pain.

>Children with autism can appear to be detached, but this doesn’t mean a lack of interest in being affectionate – it may be underpinned by a desire to engage in a pursuit they’re more interested in. Likewise, some children don’t understand the purposes of hugging and need to be taught this social convention.

>> No.8690469 [View]
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Thanks guys. I saved all of them.

>> No.8336236 [View]
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Just another proof that /jp/ sucks

some of you guys enjoy playing MMO village buiding game, while another board is building a town in the rea llife

>/diy/, a few other anons and I are attempting to found a town, and we could use your help.
>If you haven't heard of us already, we're called Project Agartha. Formerly known as the New Eden Project, we want to create a town that's (more or less) self-sufficient, sustainable, and ecologically friendly. To do this, we would utilize systems to generate electricity (windmills, small hydro, stationary bicycles), harvest water (rainwater collectors, dehumidifiers), raise crops and livestock, and recycle waste products. We would also make use of "green homes", like Earthships and shipping containers, to conserve resources. However, we could use some assistance with the specifics and actual implementation of these plans.
>Pic related, its actually some property one of our members owns in west Texas. We probably won't be using it though, seeing as its in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8221079 [View]
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Why do you guys sage all the time?

Are you too scared to make your presence known with a bump?

You have the highest % of sages of any board by a wide margin.

>> No.8196519 [View]
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>I honestly don't think you girls should be having one night stands.
>Try and think about your reputation and purity, and the fact you may want to save yourself for a guy you love.

holy shit

>> No.8181884 [View]
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Kindergarten friendships help boys develop social skills

>High-quality friendships in kindergarten spell better social skills in the first and third grades for boys and also fewer behaviour problems as compared to girls.
>"Overall, teachers reported that girls in the first and third grade had good social skills, regardless of the quality of their kindergarten friendships,"
>"Boys, on the other hand, clearly benefited from the good start that early high-quality friendships provide," added Engle, according to an Illinois statement.
>The differences in friendship quality for boys versus girls did not show up until the children were older, she said.
>"Boys who had no friends in kindergarten had more behaviour problems, but not until they had reached first and third grades," Engle said.
>"As we expected, high-quality kindergarten friendships that featured cooperation and sharing, taking turns, low levels of hostility, and little destructive conflict, gave children, especially boys, practice in positive interaction, which they demonstrated in grades one and three," Engle said.

>> No.8163826 [View]
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Asian Americans most bullied in US schools

>Asian Americans endure far more bullying at US schools than members of other ethnic groups, with teenagers of the community three times as likely to face taunts on the Internet, new data shows.

>Policymakers see a range of reasons for the harassment, including language barriers faced by some Asian American students and a spike in racial abuse following the September 11, 2001 attacks against children perceived as Muslim.

>The research, to be released on Saturday, found that 54 percent of Asian American teenagers said they were bullied in the classroom, sharply above the 31.3 percent of whites who reported being picked on, 38.4 percent for African Americans and 34.3 percent for Hispanics.

>The disparity was even more striking for cyber-bullying.
>Some 62 percent of Asian Americans reported online harassment once or twice a month, compared with 18.1 percent of whites. The researcher said more study was needed on why the problem is so severe among Asian Americans.

why do you guys bully me?

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