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>> No.41647578 [View]
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Things have been calm lately, now almost a year since Aya ran off with her report shedding light on your home life spreading the truth not only to the human village but the entirety of Gensokyo, the bruises you couldn't hide that everyone just attributed to the rough lifestyle of supporting the youkai hunting shrine maiden took new light in the eyes of both yours and Reimu's friends and the concerned looks and conversations they had around you were intense and embarrassing. The newspaper hit you both like a wave and you feared for the worst out of your miko wife but she was shocked by what she saw as the stark naked truth coupled with how some of her friends grew a bit colder it put things in perspective for her. She changed after that incident and once again became the lover you remembered her as. She stopped getting dead drunk all the time restricting herself to only drinking with you and even then one cup and no more, she learned to control her temper, and more importantly learned to appreciate you again all this allowing you to shower her with all the affection you've been forced to swallow and things between you two have never been better then since you first started dating. Humans however have short memories like the seasons and as they changed sure enough the memories faded as well, nobody gave you much concern and the friends that came around the shrine warmed up again not long after, you hoped these days would continue but you should've known better.
You came home this noon with groceries and cheerful spirits, this night was going to be a night of the full moon and you could think of nothing better then to spend it doing a picnic with your favorite women in the world, so much so you even bought a higher end bottle of sake for you both to share a cup with. You made it home soon enough and got to work in the kitchen with a spring in your step roasting, frying, and boiling all of Reimu's favorite treats with no shortcuts taken. Tonight had to be perfect! Time passed before you knew it and you just got the kettle heated and blanket set up out in the yard with stones holding down each end by the time your beloved Reimu came in, she usually set down at the torii and walked over but today she set down right outside of the veranda you just chalked this down to a tiresome day and greeted her despite her silent entry, "Welcome home dear! I have your tea ready when you want it..." you notice she looks quite a tense as she walks in but push it from your mind for now as you take the wok off the fire. As you approach her and pour her some tea Reimu looks at you and lets out a simple "Please.". Something about her demeanor bothers you making you so desperately try not to remember but it knocks at the back of your head, you push it away and head back to the kitchen knowing that she values her silence after coming come. Still you just can't help that nagging feeling you don't want to acknowledge and glance at her every and now and then from the kitchen catching glimpses of your red and white lover sipping tea. Concerns flood to your mind, namely of how over the past few weeks she's been acting more aloof, you try making her more delicious bentos on days where she's going out patrolling but nothing you do seem to help as much as you'd like. You shake those thoughts as night falls and the moon comes out, you plate the various foods you've meticulously kept hot and fresh onto a large serving plate you call out, "Reimu I've got dinner ready! I was thinking we can have a bit of a moon viewing party tonight, I even bought some nice sake so what do you say?". By this point Reimu finished her tea listening to cicadas that tense aura still surrounding her like morning fog, "Hm? Fine, I want to get in bed already so lets make it quick". You expected as much, though you wished for a bit more excitement from her, You gathered the large serving plate and merrily carry it over and after a short while your betrothed follows suit resting on the blanket, she starts picking on the food clearly hungry, and you bring your secret weapon "Reimu look, I thought we could have a cup or two tonight" you present her the bottle of sake you've kept chilled in a tub of water under the porch. Her face remains a mask as she sighs and says in slightly exasperated tones, "really now? I'd rather you didn't spend money on such useless things!". That wasn't the answer you were hoping for, not by a long shot and that feeling you've been denying in the back of your head grows stronger but you resist bringing it up to your conscious mind. Reimu chomps on your carefully prepared food with little care for the taste and swipes one of the cups you prepared for the sake as soon as you set it down, she drinks it with abandon but you can't help but think she needs it to take the edge off... that must be it... "Another!" you can't help but think that two isn't much, as long as you're here to watch over her and you planned to drink about this much anyways...

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