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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.12134680 [DELETED]  [View]
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I cannot take it easy without my allotment of ONE (1) NEET lifestyle thread!

>> No.10543610 [View]
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>I'm afraid to go see anyone about this stuff because I can't trust them.

Same. Doctors might be in on the conspiracy. Also I don't want to be put on all those weird antipsychotic pills, the side-effects are scary. What keeps me sane is staying inside and playing games and stuff. I'm genuinely happy to be a NEET, it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

>> No.10494006 [View]
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They are human-like, but so are most youkai

>> No.10244814 [View]
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>There must be some other Otaku that wants a /jp/ friend to share a NEET friendship with.

You don't care about any of that. Look at this sentence. You want an "Otaku"? No, you want a boyfriend. "/jp/ friend"? /jp/sies don't want friends. "NEET friendship"? No, you just want a friendship.

You are literally attaching /jp/-related buzzwords to a /soc/ post in order to trick us into thinking you're on-topic. The depths normals will sink to continue to amaze me.

>> No.9169446 [View]
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nigga that be some planet of the apes shit right there

how exactly did this ever seem like a good idea

>> No.8523811 [View]
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How do I become a NEET? I have given up on future, love etc. and just want to be left alone.

How did you become one?

>> No.8419449 [View]
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my job is full-time in the mornings but at least the position is far more inventory dependent than customer service. I put on a good act. Everyone sees me as normal and and least talkative some of the times. But like the above poster I do reject any invitations. I get home as soon as possible so I can become a loli maiden agian.

>> No.8393583 [View]
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>Never understood why anyone would choose it over tea.

It's fairly simple really. They prefer the taste. Not sure what you're confused about here.

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