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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.17024745 [View]
File: 343 KB, 876x990, sort(2016-09-25+at+11.26.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For people who don't want to wait to put Etanity and friends in their sorters. I'll update the main site when dairi puts out the newhus. Also, HTTPS! If, for some reason, you need to conceal your shit taste from the government.

>Nue #1
>Mamizou #3

Taste so bland it might as well be a slice of white bread. 6/10.

Your tastes are mostly illegal in Australia. 7/10.

Yakumo fetishist and indecisive fuck. Could've picked something worse to fanboy over though. 6.5/10.

Play more of the games. 7/10.

>> No.16436375 [View]
File: 343 KB, 876x990, sort(2016-09-25+at+11.26.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next game can't come soon enough. Kind of wish I wasn't lazy and rewrote the site from its horrible Japanese-commented code now that I know more JS, but still...

Alice threads in a nutshell/10.

Decent taste overall in top 10. Though nothing stands out too much. 7/10.

I see you like your girls old-fashioned. Confused as to why Yorihime is rock bottom while Meira is number 10. 8/10.

>> No.16313798 [View]
File: 343 KB, 876x990, sort(2016-09-25+at+11.26.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My taste is the same as always: the best.

Also, I've added a result table image generator to the site, for those unfortunate people who are too lazy to crop the result table in Paint. For some reason it only works properly for Firefox, I'm still attempting to debug it in Chrome. Any help in ratting out this bug would be very much appreciated!

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