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>> No.12649583 [View]
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Although a bit clumsy at being a wife, Kyouko would try to perform the duty the best she can. Her cooking wouldn't be that great, but at least her cleaning skills would be top notch from all that experience at the temple. However, having to clean both the temple and her home would understandably cause her to quickly grow sick of it, so it'd be best if you helped her out often. Kyouko would enjoy physical intimacy and would love to be pampered or cuddled when she comes home from working at the temple and learning difficult new Buddhist sutras. She would be a bit insensitive, however, so don't expect her to notice if you're slightly down or stressed and need to be cheered up. Though even if she doesn't notice, her energetic smile, cheerful laugh, and talkative nature might be all you need to feel better. If it isn't and she notices how you're feeling, she'd clumsily try her best to cheer you up, acting cutely silly in the process. She'd be a bit quick to anger, but even quicker to forgive. Any thoughtful gift or favor you do for her would be greatly appreciated, even small ones. In bed, she'd be shy and depend on you to take the lead, at least initially, and would loved to be hugged during the act. One fun activity you can enjoy is making her bashfully repeat the erotic words you whisper in her ear. As a mother, she'd need your help, else the child will grow to be irresponsible and rebellious.

Also, I hope you don't mind punk rock, because she loves to sing it.

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