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>> No.41737705 [View]
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Coming back from Eientai was bit of an arduous walk, despite it being a rather sunny spring day it was a good distance from the shrine and you always brought a treat for the inaba as a matter of courtesy. The reason for the visit was because Reimu insisted you go and despite your reluctance you couldn't say no to her desperate tearful eyes. You learned not to underestimate the brain of the moon and she provided you with medicine that will encourage bone growth by means you didn't understand and a cream for the bruising. She didn't ask questions about the bruising really, and even if she did there wasn't much to say but the truth on it and of course you two weren't really close as you didn't have much a reason to visit especially given the remote location, you were more acquainted with the Inaba at this point. You were instructed on the proper use of the cream and pills and took them right away, it wasn't long before you left and gave payment to the doctor thanking her again and were soon on your way out of the forest guided by the same inaba you payed off with a tasty treat of sakura mochi. It wasn't long before you reached home again, in time to make dinner which relieved you more then you thought as as you realized that you took a bit more comfort in your daily routine then you realized.
The days went on but nothing got better, Reimu seemed to have put an emotional wall seemingly determined to never show you that side of her again and you could tell things were only getting worse for her mentally as she ignored your attempts at getting her to talk. This wall extended further, she no long was willing to take baths with you even though the bruising was mostly dissipated by now thanks to the cream and this included a physical aversion to touch you even extending into your love lives. Before when things were less trying she'd be more aggressive often matching you in initiating things if not insisting on it to your delight, but now you have to push for it and even then she simply takes it averting her eyes from yours and it didn't take even a night of "love" making to give on trying to excite her. It wasn't long before you were at wits end as nothing seemed to work, Reimu resisted any attempts to help her not even giving you a hint of passion and it was like you were back to knowing the infamous dispassionate miko who was a perfect stranger. Aunn wasn't much help in this effort so you turned to the only person that knew her as well as you do, Marisa, so to that end you chose a day where Reimu was out on patrol and took to the forest of magic with hope in your heart. You remember that it was pure luck that she was home, she opened the door with a "who is it~?" as a look of surprise was openly on her blond framed face as she recognized you.
It wasn't long till you were lead into her cluttered home with magical reagents, books, various supplies, and discarded clothes littering the witches home "Ah you caught me at a bad time you know? I was just about to clean up... tomorrow ze~". You both knew that was a lie but declined to comment on it and she seated you at the table, "I don't get visitors here often so consider yourself honored ze! by the way I only have some juice if thats fine...", It was and you said as such presenting her with a small box of treats for having you as manners dictated. She took her seat opposite you at her small table in the dining room she uses as a workshop. She took a snack and nibbled on it, reminding you of a small animal, "so what does the shrine husband of paradise need from me ze~? Finally fallen for my charms?" she teased you and you bantered back your mood a bit lighter for it, "Ah today i've come to seek the sage like knowledge of the infamous black and white witch you see hence my humble offering!". It was a bit before you both were done but you knew time wasn't infinite and settled into your reason for coming, the mood turned serious as the levity in your voice was gone as you said, "I honestly wanted to talk to you about Reimu if you wouldn't mind...". It didn't take long for you to spill the beans to Marisa, you told her about whats been happening with the youkai not that she didn't know of course but more to the point about the toll that its had on Reimu, her outburst, your wounds and most importantly about the emotional distance that sprouted between you both like an unsightly weed in a rock although you left out the details of your stunted lovelife. Marisa listened intently, "I guess that explains her coldness recently, I just thought she was mad I left her with the bill at Mystia's cart again..." you ignored that last bit and asked, "I was hoping you could take her out tonight and have some fun, if you're free. I'll even foot the bill of course!" you brought out a small purse of coins, more then enough for a fun nights out. A glint entered Marisa's eye as she smiled widely, "Of course ze~! Consider this black and white witch at your service!"

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