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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9809524 [View]
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, isumiasmaid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, OP-all evidence points to us living in a deterministic universe-that means everything is the result of a prior cause. Therefore, your genetics, your upbringing, your society, every tiny thing that has ever happened to you, has shaped you in an unbelievably complex but mechanistic way. You can't be blamed for being the way you are. "Choice" does not exist in any real sense-it is a human for causes and subsequent reactions that are too complex and internally faced for others to accurately understand-usually, the person themselves making a "choice" does not understand their basest and most minute reasons for doing so. It's just a physics in motion, mistaken for the ephemeral and controllable.

>> No.9513216 [View]
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, isumiasmaid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The /jp/er is unaware that he is being lifted from the bathtub, things are becoming blurry and confusing in reality; he only understands the massive amounts of blood that are pouring past his thighs and onto the side of the bathtub and tiles on the floor.-

Other people liked video games-and maybe some of them liked anime too. High school was supposed to be more mature and interesting, right? A lot of the characters the /jp/er loved were from high school anime-they discovered truths about themselves, and made new friends, and girls would even confess their love with red cheeks.
The /jp/er finally made a friend. He was a little weird-he was a bit bigger than the /jp/er, and had dirty hair, and was kind of loud, but he was kind of nice,and said he liked Final Fantasy (Even thought that isn't the /jp/ers favorite, it's nice to find someone with somewhat similar interests)
One day in class, he mentions to his new friend that he was enjoying a show called Azumanga Daioh. Upon looking it up on the internet, his friend came in the next day during science class. He sat down, away from the /jp/er, and snickered with a few other boys. The /jp/er felt his stomach sink. The boy turned around, biting his lip. "What are you, a faggot? I can't believe you like that shit!" Everyone in the class started laughing as he told them that the /jp/er enjoyed a show about little girls and that he was probably going to grow up to rape children.
The /jp/er was crushed. He never talked to anyone else during his high school years, and was routinely pushed around, spit on, and stolen from.

>> No.9496821 [View]
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, isumiasmaid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


O-only because you asked so politely...

>> No.9386083 [View]
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, isumiasmaid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean enlightenment is the destruction of the ego, and the subsequent acceptance of futility, fatalism and hope?

>> No.9344023 [View]
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, isumiasmaid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The /jp/er is unaware that he is being lifted from the bathtub, things are becoming blurry and confusing in reality; he only understands the massive amounts of blood that are pouring past his thighs and onto the side of the bathtub and tiles on the floor.-

Other people liked video games-and maybe some of them liked anime too. High school was supposed to be more mature and interesting, right? A lot of the characters the /jp/er loved were from high school anime-they discovered truths about themselves, and made new friends, and girls would even confess their love with red cheeks.
The /jp/er finally made a friend. He was a little weird-he was a bit bigger than the /jp/er, and had dirty hair, and was kind of loud, but he was kind of nice,and said he liked Final Fantasy (Even thought that isn't the /jp/ers favorite, it's nice to find someone with somewhat similar interests)
One day in class, he mentions to his new friend that he was enjoying a show called Azumanga Daioh. Upon looking it up on the internet, his friend came in the next day during science class. He sat down, away from the /jp/er, and snickered with a few other boys. The /jp/er felt his stomach sink. The boy turned around, biting his lip. "What are you, a faggot? I can't believe you like that shit!" Everyone in the class started laughing as he told them that the /jp/er enjoyed a show about little girls and that he was probably going to grow up to rape children.
The /jp/er was crushed. He never talked to anyone else during his high school years, and was routinely pushed around, spit on, and stolen from.

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