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>> No.41812474 [View]
File: 173 KB, 686x1000, Kasen marisa and reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa came over today with that easy going and cheerful personality that you love to experience. Earlier Kasen mentioned she was visiting at noon so you were expecting the outgoing blonde to show up and greeted her with a delicious lunch, the ingredients courtesy of Kasen of course, and she herself was not so subtly enthusiastic about it which gave you a guilty pleasure of leading a hermit into temptation. The girls sat down at the table after you all greeted each other and you returned to the kitchen to get the trays piled with plates, waving away Kasen who moved to help and despite working one tray at a time you served all three of you in short order. Marisa pipped up upon being served the piping hot tray of chicken and fish Tempura with a side of rice and pickled veggies, "I was looking forward to your lunch Anon-san! I made sure to even skip breakfast ze~!" to which you couldn't help but smile. Kasen responded between bites, "Marisa you should really watch your health more, its not good to skip meals as a regular human you know!", Marisa smirked slyly, "ehhhhhhh? Did the girl who's put on some weight recently just lecture me about health ze~?". Kasen blushed a bit but retained her lecture mode attitude, "I-I did not! I train every morning so if I gained anything it was just muscle!" the grain of rice on the side of her cheek made the her haughtiness seem forced however and you took the blemish off her face without thinking with your good arm and nibbled on the rice. Kasen reacted with an, "ah, thanks Anon-san" but Marisa got a wide grin on her face and both of you realized too late that your closeness over the past few weeks might have been taken the wrong way as Marisa piped up, "Ehhhh, so thats how it is ze~? Anon-kun pampers you after you took care of him and then before you know it..." Marisa didn't finish that sentence and instead made a lewd gesture with her hands which caused you and Kasen to reply a bit too perfectly in sync "Its not like that!" which caused Marisa to burst out in uproarious laughter.
The meal concluded to Marisa teasing you both a bit more and soon enough you all were having your after meal tea together suitably stuffed and contented "So if you're good enough to cook like that I don't suppose you'll be staying here very long then ze~?" Marisa brought up after the conversation reached a lull. The mood in the room turned serious and she continued on, "Kasen already told me in her letter, 2 more days from today till the casts come off and you'll be fully healed huh ze~?", to her words you nodded, "If Eirin is as spot on with her diagnosis as she was with her treatment then yes.". Marisa sighed, "You know you don't have to go home..." and with a faint blush creeping over her face she says stiill maintaining eye contact, "She... She already came over searching for you and I saw her off once she was convinced you weren't there so she won't look at my home anymore ze~. You could always stay over at my house, i'd love to see what you can make with the mushrooms I gather you know?" you couldn't help but notice how Marisa refrained from using Reimu's name. Kasen soon spoke up too, "Of course I wouldn't mind you staying here as well! You're thoughtful and already got used to taking to care of this manor, you even got along with all the animals quickly despite some not liking men..." this time it was Kasen's turn to blush a bit, "No one would think poorly of you if you choose to stay here and certainly not me of course...".
It wasn't hard to see what they were getting at, you may not always be the sharpest tool in the shed and you knew if you let yourself you could easily fall in love all over again given how wonderful these two girls were, but you already knew what you had to do as from the beginning there was no other choice. "Kasen, Marisa... You two have been especially kind to me, even when Reimu tried driving you off to hide what she's become you both tried sticking around the longest and to me that ment more then anything.", "However the day I got married I made three vows, one was to the gods and the sage Yukari that stood before me, one was to Reimu, and one was too myself. I promised that i'd never stop loving her through sickness or health and until death would separate us.". Marisa and Kasen looked a bit defeated at your words but you knew you had to drive the point home, "I know what Reimu's become more then anyone else, but she's sick and thats all. I have to help her get better!". Both the girls sighed and gave a sad smile, "I figured you'd say that ze~...", "You're just as stubborn as a bull when you get like that aren't you?". You started up again, "You know, I don't have any intention of dying to prove my vows, so instead of treating this as a funeral in the making lets have some fun, we rarely get together like this after all!". With an smile that was genuine you encouraged the girls, lifting their spirits and making the best out of this afternoon you shared together.

>> No.41686564 [View]
File: 173 KB, 686x1000, __hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_and_ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_azuma_aya__47ca8d8f039d64a31262abdbf0120e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whilst I've seen Touhou here and there before, the way I actually got into it and learned what Touhou is was via the Wild and Horned Hermit Manga. I was simply scrolling through Mangadex trying to fine something to read when I found it, it's cover peaked my interest and I decided to give it a try. I found it very enjoyable, though a bit confusing and was caught up by the end of the day. I liked the Characters and Story but I enjoyed the most was the Lore and World building. Gensokyo is an amazing place for an Advature Manga I tell you. Anyhow I wanted to see more so I went to Google to get extra Information on it, only to find out that WaHH was only a side Story of a big Franchise. I looked up a guide on how to get into it and started playing the Games, once I finished those I decided to read all the other Printed Materials before getting into the Fandom aspect of it (Fanart, Fan Anime, Doujins etc.). I then re-read WaHH to understand it better and I liked it even more. To this Day it is my favourite part of Touhou and Kasen remains my favourite 2hu.

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