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>> No.14898889 [View]
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Chapter 2 : Mishter Tweajure

"Uu ~! Wemiwia ij Wemiwia !"
Around you, your sisters join you and introduce themselves.
"Fwan ij Fwan !"
"Wemiwia ij Wemiwia !"
"Chake id easy !"
"Uu ~ Take it easy !" your mother merrily says.
In all, you have four sisters. Two of them are Remilias like your mother (Remi1 and Remi2), and two of them are Flans like your father (Flan1 and Flan2). Now the cildren are born, you're a fmaily of six, living in a cardboard box in the corner of a run-down part of town. The opening of the box is actually turned downwards, so you are fully protected of the outside world. A small "door" has been cut from a side, just wide enough to let an adult yukkuri enter or exit : you guess your parents made this using their fangs.
You waddle around under the loving gaze of your parents, making your first steps with your little feet, feeling the small pink hat on your blue hair. You flap your tiny bat wings, but they're not strong enough to carry you, yet.
But suddenly, as the now empty stalk falls from your mother's head, a horrible feeling strikes you. A mix of pain and emptiness blowing away all your joy of merriness.
Life, the whole two minutes you've experienced of it, was bright and enjoyable. But this changes everything. It's unbearable. It has to stop. Why doesn't anyone make it stop ? Tears appear on the borders of your eyes, and you suddenly flip on your backside, beginning rolling left and right.
"Uu ! Uu ! Uuuuuueeeeeeeeeen ! Wemijia ij ... ! Wemiyia ij... !"
You know this feeling has a name : hunger. And it has a remedy too : food. In a matter of seconds, your four sisters have joined you in a concerto of cries, rolling randomly on the floor, screaming and pissing.
"Fwan ij hungwy !"
"Uuuuueeeeeen ! Mwommy ! Give Wemiwia fwood !"
" Why musht Wemiwa shuffew ?"
Without a word, your father exits the house. Your mother smiles.
"Uu ~ ! You must eat Mister Stalk !"
You barely manage to stop crying. Heavily sniffing, tears in your eyes and your lower half wet with urine, you stare at the long, green thing that just fell off your mother's forehead. Smiling, she gives the example, biting the stalk, chewing on it, and spitting a small pile of green goo at your feet.
"Eat up easy !" she tells you with a radiant smile, before chewing another bit for your younger sister.
"Uu..." you hesitate. You then bite into the pile of chewed stalk and swallow a mouthful. You immediatly erupt in more cries.
"Uu ! Id'sh bidder ! Wemiwia wandsh weal fwood ! Why don'ch Mowwmy love Wemiwiaaaaa ?"
Your sisters have similar reaction. To a common yukkuri, a stalk is a choice meal, sweet and nourishing. Its taste is so delicious that some yukkuris have been known to get another one pregnant, just to immediately tear the stalk apart and eat it. But to a predator, this vegetal part is simply disgusting. You crave for warm, sweet manju flesh.

You see Dwaddy entering Mister Home again, high-pitched panicked sounds coming from her closed mouth.
"That was quick !" Mwommy remarks with joy.
Dwaddy opens her mouth, and out come rolling three little shaking spheres.
"Yupiiii !"
"Yunyah ! Weimyu can'ch chake id eajy !"
"Mawicha'j Mishter hach... Mawicha'j Mishter hach..."
Two small Reimus, and one hatless Marisa, all barely older than you and your sisters. They're staring at you.
"Id'z a Wemiwiaaaa !" the first Weimyu screams.
"Mishter hach..." Mawicha goes, oblivious to her surroundings.
"Bwig Shish will pwotect you eajy !" The second Weimyu affirms, puffing threateningly.
You and your sisters have stopped crying. You're looking at them with shiny eyes, drool running from your open mouths.
"Gonna eachuu ~"
"Wemiwia ij gonna each you whole !"
"Uu, id'ch chime to each !"
You're the first to jump at the puffing Weimyu, alls fangs bared. You bite into her soft skin and rip it apart in a quick move : she's too surprised to react. Ben paste oozes from her gaping wound. Your sisters follow : they bump into them, biting them, tearing them apart in a hunger-driven frenzy.
"Yugyaaah !"
"Shabe bwe ! Mwommy ! Shabe bwe !"
"Hewp bwe Bwig Shish !"
You chew on the white manju skin, suck on the wounds, filling your mouth with sweet bean paste. It's warm, delicious, fulfilling. You bite more and more, and as you feed the yukkuris become more and more of a mess : their screams make less and less sense, and soon they are both silent and shapeless. An eyeball explodes under your sharp teeth : it tastes great. Even their hair is too your liking. The best part is the core however, that small dark ball in the center, the seat of a yukkuri's life. Soon, where three baby yukkuris stood, only two ribbons remain on a stained ground, surrounder by five burping baby predators.

This was your first meal, and it was good.

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