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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.44897477 [View]
File: 141 KB, 976x1036, Marisa ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana had put on some tea as was custom and Marisa took her seat in the kitchen, if she noticed the strange grooves in the floor leading to her father's room she made no mention of it. Hana threw open the storm shutters letting in fresh air and sunlight while dispelling some of the dust as the air flow rejuvenated the atmosphere of her home.

Marisa's easy going manner of speech felt amazing to hear after her roughly week and a half of torture, "Ahh~ its been way too long since I drank your tea you know? I was hoping you didn't sleep so much you forgot how to make it ze!"

Hana smiled for the first time in what felt like an eternity as she rebutted, "It's fine, making tea is like learning to fly, you never forget it." It didn't take long till the kettle whistled and the tea pot filled as the two girls danced around the youkai in the room.

Still, the tea was soon served with a plate of rice crackers, Hana's favorite snack. Hana took a sip simply enjoying the company and letting Marisa lead the conversation as she talked about nonsense like what little experiments she worked on and the time she almost got caught by that overly-dutiful maid.

Still she could tell something was troubling Marisa and while she knew exactly what the conversation would veer into she wasn't in any rush to interrupt her. Finally silence fell after awhile as the crackers were nibbled and tea finished off with only a, "Phew, I was a bit more peckish than I thought... I almost polished your share too ze~" to break the still.

A bit of seat shifting accompanied the girls as the mood grew a bit heavier and with a "So Hanarin..." Marisa's tone and expression grew serious. Though Hana could tell there was a soft edge to it like when her father tried breaking bad news to her and she wondered if that was just a universal thing adults did.

Marisa pushed a lock of her wild hair out of her eye and twiddled with her braid lightly, "I don't imagine there's much truth in what that shitty crow's paper blabbed about huh?" It was obvious even to Hana that Marisa didn't exactly want to brooch the subject, still, she knew it was coming and tried to keep up a straight face as she simply said, "No..."

Marisa nodded as the last wisps of her smile were gone, "I figured as much, Anon isn't..." it seemed that Marisa was struggling with something, "He... said as much when I tried breaking him out" Marisa's eyes glanced at her and Hana squirmed in her seat, "He's doing fine by the way! Err... He isn't exactly doing great or anything, but he's healthy and... and I'm sure he'd want to see you right away!"

Hana could hear Marisa's best intentions in her voice but Hana could only stare at the table keeping the memories from flooding her mind. Hana could feel her eyes growing red and swollen as the silence stretched, Marisa sputtered a bit, "B-but you know I'm sure your father would understand if you only could pass on a message to him and all! That place isn't the kind of place he'd want you going, I'm sure ze!"

Hana still didn't respond as her eyes face burned with shame as she felt the first of her tears fall and sniffed to keep her face decent. Hana could feel the panic in Marisa's voice as she tried recovering the situation, "Of course if uh... if you don't want to... err, so Hana! W-where have you been for the past few months anyways?! Err no ze... ummmm what I meant to say was uh..."

Hana looked up at the panicking witch as she waved her arms around trying to find any other thing to talk about, "Its alright Marisa-sensei..." Hana spoke up quietly with a trembling voice, "The truth is I don't know..." Marisa quieted down with an, "eh?" Hana continued, "It was when I came home from subduing a youkai out in the forest..."

Hana was careful with the details, she talked about how she came home and found the kitchen a wreck not too long after Yukari had threatened her with possible consequences for her actions in driving her mother and father apart. How she found that strange gap in her father's room, she even told her about how she saw Yukari.... doing things to him while she taunted her.

She talked about how she found herself in that strange building and wasn't allowed further till she put on the outfit, she talked about how she saw some strange blonde women walking out of where her father was and how she chased her only to be stopped by that barrier. Hana's tears started flowing in a greater volume as she spoke of what happened next, how she met her father and their reunion, how they talked about breaking him out and being a family again, how happy she was to see him again, and she spoke of how she tried breaking him out and busting her hands against that barrier in anger.

Even as Hana was she didn't bring up the other side of what happened, how could she tell the women that tried so earnestly to help while risking everything? No, not to Marisa of all people, so she left that part of the account blank, she knew she could never tell anyone.

>> No.41747839 [View]
File: 141 KB, 976x1036, Marisa ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't and have never understood the crossboarder meme
Sure annoying faggots are faggots but its like implying that dudes that lurk on /jp/ don't also play videogames, or watch anime, or read books, or like guns, or are into politics and browse related boards

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