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>> No.14922085 [View]
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Chapter Four : The power of Mister Money

"Uu !" you went as you approached the Reimu family. As soon as she saw you, one of the babies screamed :
"Id'sh a Wemiwiaaaa !" and started panicking.
The other babies, however, stared at you with angry eyes, puffing as their mother took a step forward in your direction.
To you, the mother Reimu was huge : she was even bigger than Mwommy, big enough to squash you in one move if she wanted to.
"What are you doing here ? Uneasy predators should go away easy !"
Her children were even more vocal.
"Dwop dead eajy !"
"Gwo away uneajy Wemiwia ! Puuuuuff !"
Their hostility didn't impress you : you expected them not to welcome you. You were drawn to them by their performance. There was one thing you wanted to do :
"Uu ! Wemiwia wandsh cho shing !"
"Yuyu ?" the mother went. "Little Remilia wants to sing with Reimu's family ?"
"Uu !" you confirmed.
She looked thoughtful, ignoring the disapproving cries of her children.
"Wemiwia wandsh to get a mishter treajure !" you explained.
"Ij Wemiwia shtupid ?" a baby Weimyu asked. "Thish ij not a mishter tweajuwe, but lodsh of mishter Mwoney !"
"Ij Mishter Mwoney able cho chake id eajy ?" you inquired.
"Mishter Mwoney ij the eajiesht ! Give mishter mwoney to mishter Shalesman, and you will get lodsh of eajy sweet-sweets !" Another Weimyu explained, bouncing with excitement.
You stared in wonder. Exhchanging an unedible piece of metal against a mister swee-sweet : this was the most wonderful thing ever, after eating freshly born Weimyus.
"Uu ! Wemiwia wandsh cho shing ! Wemiwia wandsh cho shing !"
"Fine. If Remilia can take it easy, then Remilia can sing with Reimu's easy family."

The little ones seemed to still be disapproving, but they got in position nonetheless, facing the pedestrians.
"Ready ? Then let's begin easy ~"
It was a symphony of high-pitched voices more than a song : rythm and melody were there, somewhere, but really hard to find. You bounced with joy, Uu-ing enthusiatically.
"Yu ~ Yuu ~ Yuyuyu ~"
"Eajy ! Eajy !"
"Uu ! Uu ! Uu !"
"Chake id eajy ! "
Soon, however, no apparence of order was left, and the song was nothing more than the screams of overjoyed yukkuris, filled with tension, jumping and sweating.
" Yuu ! Yuuu ! Easyyyy !"
"Yuyuyu yuYU ! YU ! EAJY ! YUUU !"
"Chage id ! Yu ! Chage id ! Yuuu ! "
"Uu ! Uu ! Uu ! Uu ! Uu! UU ! UU !"

A sound cut the concerto short : a heavy piece of metal falling inside the bowl.
"Yu ?"
A baby rushed to the edge of the bowl and looked inside : its eyes went shining in an instant.
"Five hundwed yensh !"
"Five hundwed ?"
"Yu ! Mister is really easy !"
All looked up to the generous benefactor.
It was a mister human. To you, they looked all the same, but to Reimu, who was well-accustomed to human beings, his identity aw a bit clearer. He was a young male, tall and thin, wearing thick glasses and sporting short hair. He was what humans called a mister "high school student", judging by his uniform.
He smiled as he saw the yukkuris staring at the precious 500 yen golden coin. To a human, such a sum would have gotten him a cheap meal, at most. But a yukkuri could have enough enough sweet-sweets to feed for days.
"Chank you Mishter Human !" all the little ones screamed at once.
He adjusted his glasses, and asked a question.
"It's quite a sum, isn't it ? Do you really think your singing is worth five hundred yens ?"
"Yu ! Weimyu'sh shinging ij the besht in the world !"
"Uu ! Wemiwia'j shinging ij worth all the Mishter Mwoney !"

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