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>> No.46950013 [View]
File: 361 KB, 800x619, brand name censoring is also a thing Maki's ice blue Lotus Elise being the perhaps sole exception, guess they really wanted us to know what a bitchin' car he is driving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me, if I can't recite the vocabulary's reading then don't know the word at all, even if I do understand the meaning in English and/or just simply recognizing any of the kanji as visual aids to clue me in.
Let's not forget about the worst of all: when you Lego out the reading and move on without realizing that you have no fucking clue what it even means.

Oh wow that's nice. I also have a current favorite in 火花. Ran into this one pretty recently actually, and it took me multiple paragraphs to realize something was off. To be fair both conjure the same mental image, and context made the meaning clear, so it was mostly a case of "huh I had no idea 花火 could also mean that........wait what". Then there's 論理/理論, I have such a hateboner for this pair. How the FUCK are you supposed to remember which one is which? Like 凹凸/凸凹 is infamous and I don't get why because it ain't got shit on this ultra cuntish pair.

This reverse reading thing just reminded me of something from Open. Have you ever heard of ズージャ語? Well now you have! Pic related. Look at my poorfag working class boy overreact because he needs to step out of his comfort zone and go to somewhere stylish (and expensive). The slang is a super cute association he is making, you can practically hear his existential crisis. Also take note of 代姦山 (Daikanyama). Don't know if they also did this in Paradise, but Cage was full of silly puns like this. Like 死武谷, or 喪成座. Best part is that all of these are story-relevant puns!
You know, I like to talk shit about Kujo because I don't really like the character, but in retrospect I have to give credit for his route being so playful (except when it wasn't, but then it was kino, thanks Saiki). There is this thing going on in Cage where depending on which branch you land on past events shift around or change dramatically for the sake of the theme. But Kujo is this fairytale character. So his branch condition, which is how much Teppei fears him, does not change the setting, but the very genre of the route. When Teppei fears him too much and rejects him the story morphs into a tragedy (destroy), with moderate fear but also acceptance we get a Hollywood action flick (love), but zero fear and enthusiastic acceptance and reality itself breaks and the story degenerates into a fever dream of a shounen fight parody (also destroy). Despite everything it's actually pretty clever.

>can always come back to it later when you have a better understanding
Not a bad idea actually. Can't say it will definitely happen, but I'd still love to give my 2¢ about Saiki and Ishimatsu because man, they are a handful. I'd wager only L&D truly understands what really happened at the end of either's destroy route, and I sure as fuck won't be the one to solve it, but trying is still fun. And maddening.

Thanks anon. It was a spectacular failure on my part and I truly regret not responding to at least the more conversational parts.
>I'm glad to know you even read my reply.
Printed it out, carried it with me for weeks, put it full of notes, but I just couldn't turn it into something I was happy with. Even put off reading L&D's commentary in the 副読本 because I didn't want to be influenced by it. That still hasn't changed actually. Did skim some less important bits though.
>Nitta's design concept was "danseimuke eroge protagonist"
>be it woman, man, dog or horse, if it has a hole, Nitta would
Sasuga my favorite coomer.
Or check out this commentary of Yoshimoto's cannibal end:
Nitta/Yoshimoto 3P.... fffffffFFFuck, I wanted that too, yeah. Even if realistically a not murder-rape bad end version of it could only happen on Yoshimoto's route. But where the fuck was the murder-rape bad end? We came so close to it in Close so many times I could almost taste it.
Also. While it never takes up much panel time, the doujins very quickly proved me wrong about a certain aversion. We have Teppei giving head twice (Yoshimoto, Kurusu), and there's also seme-bj (Nitta, Kujo). But that just makes it all the more baffling that it never, ever happened on any of the routes with any of the LIs. Nitta at some point was going to have a bj scene, but even that was cut. I don't get it.

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