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>> No.45880383 [View]
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Every day starts with a nice cup of warm sake and falling blossom sushi made with freshly caught tuna. On the background, a less… noisy 'remix'—as my Akyuu usually called it—of Choujuu Gigaku on my gramophone. The atmosphere of good, warm food on a winter morning fleetly settled—the perfect time to write. Akyuu loved to do so when her sickness showed some mercy. It's so sad she has stopped writing alongside her father; our moments of shared creative writing, comparing notes, and pointing out egregious yet obvious mistakes brought life to my days. Still, a grown-up girl likes her privacy—learning to accept that is a must in fatherhood…

But it would be delightful if she'd visit again for longer than the duration of a dream. They often happen, but are all just so short—a father wants more than mere glimpses and smiles. A word, perhaps two or three. It would also please this old heart if she showed concern: “Are you okay, father?” “How are you doing?” and “It is time to move o—”

… Well, better get back to writing that poem from yesterday. Procrastination and indulgence in internal conversation of the amusing kind hardly move things further, after all.

I take Akyuu's old ink pen—a bit small, but easy to get used to; the fine tincture and ink conservation factor are perfect for the endeavors of a novelist—with my left hand and start writing, humming to the calm music in the background.

… Good. Great, even. Yet so alone without her…

A nice coincidence that loneliness is one of the best fuels for writing.

Abruptly, a distraught servant opens the shoji behind me, her face drenched in sweat. Behind her and barely hidden are a bunch of other servants of House Hieda, all looking just as tense and confused, mumbling between themselves. “H-Hieda-sama…” the poor girl says, sporting the elegant gait of a limp duck and a long piece of paper in her shaking hand. She must have lost a bet to be in this situation. “This was a-annexed on the front g-gates…” She kneels by me and respectfully hands the paper, my already creased frown deepening when I immediately recognize the handwriting—I peer-reviewed her works in the temple school for decades; how couldn't I recognize that viper's scripting?

A fury wells up inside of me, and I carefully put my beloved Akyuu's pen back down so as not to crush it and hold onto the paper. What does that lying, useless woman want? Is it money? Maybe my forgiveness? For lying about such outrageous matters as getting Akyuu back home safely, she deserves nothing! The servant tenses at my silent display, but I control it. That woman is beneath everything, even my anger—more, my time. I hand the letter back to the servant without reading a single line. “Use it as fuel for the kitchen's stove. It doesn't interest me.”

The woman freezes, seemingly unsure of what to do; she even makes a “sneaky” turn to face the others in the doorway. They're as helpful as a water cup against a storm of fire. She gulps and, as if deaf, resumes speaking: “H-Hieda-sama, we think it's REALLY important y-you read it.” I sigh, staring at the quivering fool and trying very hard to formulate a way to kick her out without sounding rude and so resume my time of peace with my daughter. Then: “I-It's about you, sir! About your… lies and misconduct?! A-And it's everywhere around the village! The school, the market, the center—even on the HSE's doors!”

I frown, snatching the paper out of the woman's hand, who winces back, timid following her little outburst. I pay no attention, eyes rushing along the lines in utter confusion. As soon as a burning sensation filled my head, everything started to make sense. What in the world is this narrative?! Playing herself as a victim! When everything she did was lie, lie, and lie—a liar that continues to lie so carelessly. Tsking, I finish the disgusting appeal that calls to conversation in her residence, ‘come and see’…

As if!

As if someone with a sane mind would believe these blatant lies! I can see through it all, and I'm close to my sixties! It sickens me to my stomach: Who does that monster think she is?! After spiritually aborting my daughter, who had finally finished her long journey across the margins of the Sanzu, so desperately trying to return to her true family, she didn't even want to wait a pregnancy in the main branch… It fills me with unprecedented rage. “Mass my men; find every letter that woman spread and burn it all—don't let anyone read, too. To fill their heads with such trash would be a terrible thing!” I tear the letter to pieces and toss it in the bin nearby.

The woman gives me a tense look. “B-But, Hieda-sama, that would be un—”

“Are you deaf?! This is mental poison! The Hieda clan will not stand to this littering our streets!”

“I, uh—it will be done, Hieda-sama!” Overwhelmed, the woman rapidly bows and leaves, and I huff when the door is closed and the soft music fills the room again.

Ah… Rage, too, is a great fuel for writing.

Erotica, maybe?

>> No.45478497 [View]
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1500, 1695794814199269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat Akyuu post

>> No.45474851 [View]
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It doesn't necessarily associate with better genetics, again on the oposite it has been shown that women with genetic issues or malphormities in the brain, tend to develop bigger breasts as a way to try and keep their bloodline alive, this up to a genetic level. But leaving those aside i do agree that most men are attracted to bigger breasts, and woman are attracted to bigger dicks, but that doesn't mean that it's a good thing, much like how wome nare retarded and actually prefer much smaller sizes than then they would say, men also would normally prefer smaller perkier breasts than they would say, also before calling cope in this i'm on teh otehr end of the spectrum, a bit too big to the point of beign slightly hurtful for women.
What is age past puberty, if not old age? If we were talking with a pre puberty child it might apply to make that distinction, but in this case i believe it doesn't apply. And again, normal, on average most people, and all such terms are not relevant for the discussion, we won't advance in any field by asking people what's the gravitational value of a random planet and getting the average, you get the truth of an issue not by conmsulting the majority, but by researching the matter at hand ignoring what the average is. And again, Akyuu has no kids and her physical age is kind of questionable given Zun's records of time keeping.
As i mentioened earlier, there is indeed a the cause and relation, retarded women have bigger breasts to compensate. But even if not there is still value in following these statistical trends, as while not directlly correlated, they might just be a step away from doing so. And once more, most men like, most men are retadrded who aren't cappable of self governance, which is why if you were to usee an argument for populations, then you should at least aim at the top of the pyramid where there is an association between IQ level, and preference for more petite women.
For teh argument of it being positive in a biological way, i'd say not as much in current times, perhaps in ages of old when the chimps with bigger tits wer better as our eye level was higher when we walked, then it could be meaningful in some way, but as of right now bigger breasts are only a flaw in the female physique that is known to generate a lot of issues through their live, as well as attract retarded semi chimps.

But that was all just a side conversation, teh main issue is giving Akyuu bigger breasts, which is not done so to improve her character in an y meanningful way, it is on the opposite done to corrupt it, to pervert it into its simplest form, when you give her bigger breasts, specially as fetishistically as those, you are turning Akyuu as a character, to a walking set of tits with a resemblance of Akyuu. And as i care for her character, i'd like it to be seen more than just by not even her own physical attributes, it'd be liket aking some compelling maicn character of a book or game, and giving it huge muscles and saying they are himbos, purely for your fantasy, you if you cared about the depth and everything this character went through, might not like seeing this perversion, and these people drawn to the character for just this artificial fetishistic body that has been implanted into him for some reason.
And yes you are right, i mention cunny as a joke, to try and keep the conversation light headed and as to not scare people away too much.

Also adressing what you said to the other anon, it's true that women like wide shoulders, and men like big boobs, that doesn't mean that making a man that has overly wide shoulders isn't a fetish, it still is, or a woma nwho is 90% tits, even if men are indeed attracted to breasts, it doesn't mean that making them grotesquely big isn't a fetish, it is. And your argument for real women doesn't quite apply, in real life indeed a woman doesn't choose the zie of their breasts so it isn't a fetish, much like ifa character was made from the ground up and they just happened to have big breasts. But once you have this defined character, and you expand their breasts that much, then you are projecting an intent into the art, which is where the fetish starts.

>> No.44765183 [View]
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1500, __hieda_no_akyuu_touhou_drawn_by_youring_wan__45f54ec9199ba97c12b6f5deac2ed27c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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