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>> No.47083479 [View]
File: 386 KB, 1070x1520, KS conception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is pretty clear.

RAITA's concept provided a concrete groundwork to begin from and everyone working on it had the same vision, they could all visualize the resultant product and saw it was gold. Genre, theme, characters, and most importantly there was scope. Five girls, five routes, the details on this page came to fruition and the rest was made just to tie it all together and round it off. The genre of 'romance VN' also lent itself to being easier to conceptualize and work with where basic gameplay is a well established thing and has a far more rigid structure. All the ingredients were already there, the possible fruitful outcomes were very narrow and close together.
Whereas here, everyone has their own different vision for the hypothetical Touhou open world game and unless someone comes up with a mostly complete project or an obvious guideline and scope ala concept art, you're never going to get anyone to agree on anything because it's so vague of an idea. It's hard to have drive or passion for something that only exists in a "that would be kinda cool" realm of pie in the sky daydreaming where the starting point is about as defined as the full extent of Yukari's abilities. Nobody can agree on where such a game starts and ends, it's a recipe for scope creep hell and burnout. The game I want to make is not the game others want to make.

Here's just a couple basic things that I guarantee you anons are going to be well divided on: is it 2d or 3d? Is the main/player character an OC character or existing 2hu? What is the origin of said OC character or what 2hu? How will you incorporate new canon that comes out over the course of the project? Is there going to be a main story/incident or is it a sandbox? How will you smooth over differences in canon? What is the personality of any given 2hu character? How much adherence to Canon are you willing to take? How much Fanon are you willing to permit? Grim or cute?

When you can get everyone on board and agree on the same answer for many of these questions and more, then you can get at least started. Otherwise, it's a 50 rope game of tug of war.

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