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>> No.17210504 [View]
File: 299 KB, 600x1000, RRRRADICAL FUTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen River Rafting with Futo!

>> No.15507218 [View]
File: 299 KB, 600x1000, 26880656_p32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, might be fun thinking about it. I went through the entire series for the first time only, like, last month after all.

I generally don't really like these (except for music-wise, even HRtP has some very good music...SOME) because of the way they play, which feels usually slow or clunky. Can't be helped. They're MUCH better than I was expecting, though.

The music sounds kind of weird.

Other than that, I guess it's just fine. I don't have any issues with it or particular fondness for it.

A very good Touhou game. I don't get the cherry blossom system but whatever. This was the first Touhou game I tried to play at all. I like the last two characters from the main story (like, a LOT; two of my absolute favorites) but the rest don't really matter. Stage 4 is really hard...

Controls really took some getting used to but it was alright once I did. I really hated the controls at first, though, and that was even after changing the scheme from the baffling default controls.

Storywise and characterwise great fun. ZUN's not alone on the music here but the other composers did GREAT, with Suika/the game's theme being one of my favorites. The composers for the fighting games really pull their weight.

I really don't like the gameplay system of switching characters on shift, but that's mainly since this means the loss of the classic Reimu A, and therefore homing. I like homing, damn it.

Great, intense music. Kind of a fun story. I may not like the "team" setup from a gameplay perspective but from a story perspective it led to some of the funniest and most entertaining writing. Felt like an "epic" Touhou game, with you fighting the series' heroes and racing against time to solve the incident. Even has a twist where the original final boss isn't the actual problem-maker. Overall, pretty cool, just wish I liked actually PLAYING it more.

I really don't care for the gameplay (though I like how it's a throwback to PoDD). It's also super easy and levels go by very quickly, meaning I forgot almost any music featured in the game (I listened later and found a BUNCH of tracks in it that I love; Fate of Sixty Years might be my favorite in the series). Conversely, the extra stage is cruelty buttfuck mean. It's unbelievable how fucked it is.

The story is one of my favorites. I like how it's a non-incident and I like Shikieiki calling out everyone on their shit. Also re-introduces Yuuka, my big favorite. Cirno's story made me weirdly sad. Actually most of the story is weirdly sad with its focus on the inevitability of death, and how some kind of MASSIVE tragedy happens every 60 years in the outside world, causing a beautiful but sobering event in Gensokyo.

Wow, fun! Hard, though. I can't get very far in the photography games at all. Music is nothing to write home about.

Easily forgotten in a lot of ways, but not bad at all. The Gensokyo The Gods Loved and several other tracks are phenomenal.

One of my favorite soundtracks. Cool story that's completely canon. Tenshi is an interesting protagonist. Gameplay is much improved since IaMS. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but I had fun.

I didn't like it very much, for similar reasons as to why I don't really like IN. The game is also FUCKING hard. GREAT music (one of the best soundtracks), and fun patterns, but HARD.

The story isn't particularly special but just like IN I like how the team systems make for fun dialogue. Also, the Underground/Old Hell opened up a lot of interesting lore things. Satori is a huge shit, but it's fun seeing such an annoying character and understanding perfectly why nobody likes her. Something I find odd: Koishi isn't really like she is in the rest of the series here. She's more...normal? She also is only slightly creepy, as opposed to being extremely unsettling/terrifying.

too long, need another post

>> No.15321413 [View]
File: 299 KB, 600x1000, f1d9a85d65372fbce351d0cd43c361b3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There she goes

>> No.13446579 [View]
File: 299 KB, 600x1000, 1424662021774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rad one

>> No.13091883 [View]
File: 299 KB, 600x1000, 1423087963418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13002563 [View]
File: 299 KB, 600x1000, 1423087963418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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