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>> No.34053714 [View]
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CCC was totally the bestest greatest thing Nasu had ever written, his magmum opus, his totally last Fate work for realsies this time (lol) and it's been 8 years now and NOTHING of substance has been done about it yet.
Mahoyo? It was an even greater the bestest best super duper coolest magnumest opusest thing Nasu ever wrote. 9 years and counting. It has even less than CCC because at least CCC has Gil's route "translated" on Youtube.
Fate Stay Night? Translated by an EOP, God bless his heart considering all, but we all know the quality is sub-par to say the least. Remember how we discovered the Einzbern's having Das Rheingold was not a FGO retcon and it was actually mentioned in FSN?
I honestly don't remember much about FHA to whine about it but I only remember it took a fuck-long time to get released, and even then, it only got released because of that guy from Beast Lair who compiled it himself and released it "accidentally" which finally made the Beast Lair faggots in charge of the translation who kept sitting on their asses actually get shit done for the first time on their life. Because that's the other shit about TM translations, you have the typical translation autism of I CLAIMED THIS SO NO ONE ELSE CAN TRANSLATE IT LALALA IT'S MINE.
And last but not least there's how in terms of official translations Type Moon seemingly abhors the idea of translating it's shit. Notice how every single time something TM is handled on the West it's everyone and their mom but TM. It's been 95% Aniplex efforts and no one else.
Type Moon is fucking CURSED in the West. I'd bet my right ball that the first thing Nasu did when he got into Buddhism was to find someone to throw a curse West-side so that filthy gaijins can NEVER enjoy his works properly and accurately. Yes, I know that's a moot point since the only real way to do that is on Japanese but you get the point.

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