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>> No.40865366 [View]
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x2956, 20220723_023617a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fumos have a neutral pose, they're accessible, they're wholesome, but they're human enough that you can easily suspend your disbelief and say that these Fumos are doing this thing, which itself is a harmlessly silly concept.

Most of these things can't really be said about other personified merchandise like like figurines or dakimakuras. You can't very comfortably take figurines to shop for groceries or hold a daki in your pocket or bag, but with Fumo, you can! You might even get nice comments on your Fumo. They're just little plushies, after all, and that's genuinely the case.

Everyone is okay with seeing a plush, and anyone can see the absurd humor of taking a picture of a plushie working on a car engine or visiting the Grand Canyon. It makes the images work on multiple levels, because it's cute and just very slightly humorous while also avoiding the narcissistic or creepy connotations that can be associated with posting selfies, shots of other people, or shots of other personified merchandise. It's like how cat pictures used to be the standard for anonymous Internet photography back in the day, as cats are also neutral, accessible, wholesome, and personified. Therefore, a Fumo photo is functionally just another form of cat picture, just with more creative flexibility for the photographer since Fumos aren't typically as moody as cats.

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