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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.12057999 [DELETED]  [View]
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in my childhood i got a lot of sometimes rude friends, they always entered our house without ringing the doorbell or asking and played with me on my computer
it was always very funny for about an hour but then you want to be alone and calm a bit, but once my friends are in my room i can't kick them out because i'm not that rude
in the end i stopped having contact with them, because for every human there's a specific amount of time you need to spend with other people and a specific amount of time you need to be alone, but they are also some limitation to these times. i'm a person who can only spend about a maximum of one hour with other peoples, past this time i'm starting to get sick. But since this limit is so small and there are not many people out there with the same social limitations like i have, i always end up being alone all time. That's probably the best alternative.

>> No.10672506 [View]
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Damn, now I wish I had it saved.

>> No.10647354 [View]
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>> No.10557306 [View]
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>It's a fairly popular machine, but the coffee and milk drip out super slowly, then you have to add sugar

Cannot do this. All those normies staring at me. Thinking "how dare you even eat our food?". Judging all my choices. Wondering how someone can be so awkward.

I give it 6 months before I can't do anything but online shopping, this just gets worse rather than easier with age

>> No.10521916 [View]
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i did a vomit all this morning from hangedover.
very crappy situation

hope you get fine, drink some waters before you go into sleep tonight!

>> No.10458947 [View]
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>the twisted could come in because you consider yourself a weird creature

Feelio when your self-esteem is so low you can only fantasize about Touhous who might accept you as a freak

>> No.9325493 [View]
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anti-Touhou posters are my favourite kind of buttmad /jp/ posters

See, with say anti-Umineko posters, or anti-randomtripfag posters or whatever, there is always a chance that they'll feel successful since Umineko DID lose popularity on /jp/, and it's possible to bully random tripfags into leaving the board

Touhou, though, will ALWAYS be on /jp/, no matter how much you samefag with your whining, no matter how many times you tell us this isn't the Touhou board, no matter HOW much you go ON and ON, Touhou will never leave. /jp/ has had many trends and fads rise and fall since 2008, but Touhou has never left us and we've never left Touhou.

And you hate that.
You hate that because, unlike the other anti-this and anti-that shitposters, you can never win.
Deep down you know this, yet you continue to fight it.

Keep going, friend.
It amuses us.

>> No.9325478 [DELETED]  [View]
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anti-Touhou posters are my favourite kind of buttmad /jp/ posters

See, with say anti-Umineko posters, or anti-randomtripfag posters or whatever, there is always a chance that they'll feel successful since Umineko DID lose popularity on /jp/, and it's possible to bully random tripfags into leaving the board

Touhou, though, will ALWAYS be on /jp/, no matter how much you samefag with your whining, no matter how many times you tell us this isn't the Touhou board, no matter HOW much you go ON and ON, Touhou will never leave. /jp/ has had many trends and fads rise and fall since 2008, but Touhou has never left us and we've never left Touhou.

And you hate that.
You hate that because, unless the other anti-this and anti-that shitposters, you can never win.
Deep down you know this, yet you continue to fight it.

Keep going, friend.
It amuses us.

>> No.9180582 [DELETED]  [View]
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Which 2hu wud...

aghh I'm so tired after my turboshitposting streak, but at least half of the threads survived NSJ and are going strong with ´´quality'' discussion.

About this thread, please don't delete. First poster decides the thread topic (stay on topic)

>> No.9114827 [View]
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>> No.8946248 [View]
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I have to leave again. I wish I could stay here all day coding this thing ;_;
I'm making steady progress though. I have figured out most effects and I'm adding the backgrounds and music as I code the script. I'm a bit sick of reading the same parts over and over, but it cannot be helpde.
I'll be able to give a solid estimation on the release date tonight, stay tuned!

>> No.8894997 [SPOILER]  [View]
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I'm proposing a lifelong relationship! and there's no money involved! you cannot call it whoring!!
I'm going to kill you ;_;

>> No.8485570 [View]
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Every time I go clubbing and such there's a point during the night where I start reminiscing about the Touhous I love and how much I would like to go back to my room and blast some doujin music while wasting my time drowning in moe pics of my waifus.
After that moment, the night goes to shit, I can't help but get disgusted at the 3dpd whores and the surrounding normalfaggotry. I begin to think it would be so awesome if those clubs were filled with exactly the opposite, but then I remember what happens when I go to cons; everything is filled with underage girls in cute costumes that share my interests and I feel even more miserable because I'll never be able to cross more than two words with any of them.

...on the topic of alcohol, alcohol makes me happier and more cheerful, but I do have to pay the price in the morning. And sometimes, even on arrival, as my "social shield" is so fucking high level that I can negate about a 80% of the effects until I'm left alone. I've been on the verge of collapsing after everyone got out of sight, it's very hard for me to measure when surrounded specially if there are strangers or girls. I'm infamous for being one of the most alcohol resistant amongst the people that know me... but it's just my mind doing something with my body, just like when I'm not able to pee when strangers are around.

>> No.7356520 [View]
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Shitty 2D Touhous

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