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>> No.22448964 [View]
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>>22419905 here, tomorrow i'll finally be able to play the game, knowing very little aside from the necessary spoilers for what i need to do to complete my quest: get a 27-slot mutant character. In loss mode. No cheating.

Before i start though, i can't decide: do i make a parent-save first and make a gene asap, to inherit potions of descent and the pets and make it all easy peasy? (This would take me literal days to get such a parent save all set up)
Or do i go full madman and start from scratch? Do i miss out on anything if i don't go the gene-route? (I know of the Secret of Lumias little cutscene, but anything else like exclusive items? Do the save files even differ in any way between a gene character and a pure one aside from a full heir trunk and starting gold?)

I'm honestly tempted to start fresh, as
>>22420225 pointed out it COULD be done and it'd be a nice challenge, but i also do have some doubts: can bells be enslaved by rod dominate even by a lvl 1/2 PC? And would "prevents sleep" gear allow me to forever keep the sleep malus wich sets exp to 0 without randomly falling asleep? After all i do need a way to gain the necessary time to grind my skills/attributes out on the long term without levelling up, since this is basically a snail run until i reach south tyris.

Thanks in advance for all the help, i'll share my run on the thread as well, as i seriously doubt i'll not die a fuckton of times without your help.

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