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>> No.46717568 [View]
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_kairakuen_umenoka__5adb344eec4024012b13e471471a3913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weaving my way through the crowds, I found my stall. It looked just like the real Suzunaan, It had the slanted tiled roof, and it even had curtains that can be pulled to cover everything that had the same patterns as the one back home. So cute~ I sat down on the seat behind the stall. It was nice and plush, I might have to see if I can take this home with me. The inventory is in good condition too, no signs of damaged pages or frayed covers. If they treat books this carefully then the Kurodanis truly are civilized. Adjusting myself to be more comfortable, I wait for things to begin.

It doesn’t take too long. The Prismrivers start to play, their lively music energizing the crowds and drawing more onlookers in. The food stalls start to cook, sending their delicious smells wafting all over the festival grounds. My stomach grumbles a bit. Maybe I’ll drop by the Izakaya a bit latter. I look over to see how Mystia is doing, and it seems like shes already busy, and she has that man that is always sticking around her helping her out. Ah, that's so sweet to see. Everyone seems to be having a lot of fun, the strangeness and fear of having youkai so openly in the village seems to be evaporating quickly. It’s almost like this is just another normal festival, and there are no men just a stone’s throw away, ready to attack at a moment's notice. Seeing such a friendly and lively atmosphere from his proclaimed enemies right on his doorstep must be making Mr Hieda upset. I really hope he doesn’t do anything rash, or we’re in in trouble.

When I turn my attention back to my stall, I see I already have a customer. A young man, couldn’t be much older then his mid-twenties, is browsing the books I have on display.

“Looking for anything specific?” I ask

“Oh, You go anything on grooming? Like for animals and such” He says, putting down a book.

“I don’t think we have anything like that here, but we might have something like that back at the Suzunaan” I point a thumb in the general direction “If you’re looking to get a pet, we have books on that as well”

“Oh it’s not like that” He mutters “There’s this kitsune I’ve seen coming to the meetings all of you people have been having. She just walks right by my place, doesn’t even bother hiding who is she anymore. We’ve talked a few times, but I’d like to get to know more about kitsunes So I was looking for something on cleaning fur, like tails and such, because well you know-”

I smile, there’s nothing quite like the awkward fumbling of young love. “I might not have something like that in stock here, but I do have something you might like” I pull out a book and hand it over to him “It’s a collection of tales on kitsune. It should tell you more about them. You can always come by the Suzunaan later and read up on how to brush fluffy tails if you want”

He flips through a few pages. “I’ll take it. Thanks!” Money exchanges hands and he goes off into the crowd. I wished him luck in his love life.

A new customer slides up to the stall. She looks familiar to me, but I can’t quite place it. But as she gets right up to me it clicks. It’s that tengu! The one that was selling those dirty books at the market in front of the HSE! She smiles and waves at me. “Oh hey, it’s you! How are you doing?” Of course she’d remember me, out of all her customers.

“I’m doing well enough, isn’t this festival great?” I respond, putting on a friendly face. At least she was in disguise. Considering how Mr Hieda’s delusions were published in a tengu paper, he might run down her and strangle her himself if he knew. Could she be an agent sent by Yukari? Maybe, I didn’t know how how of a hold she had on the merchants outside the HSE proper. I could send a signal to Mokou, and she could lead her away- no that’s an awful idea. I glance out at the Hieda estate, men still on the walls. They would be looking for any signs of wrong-doing and use that as a sign to attack.

Mokou could probably control herself well enough to not make a big scene. This tengu could be considered an enemy to us, but one that was indirectly profiting off the place that had indirectly lead to Keine’s firing from her job as a teacher. Mokou wouldn’t get too angry off someone that was so far removed from Keine’s suffering, but there would be singed feathers regardless. No. Better not waste her time with something like this and risk ruining everything. I'd have to be nice.

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