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>> No.40769374 [View]
File: 1.17 MB, 963x765, Ecstasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking outside a shed. I had tossed a black thing on the ground. Crows would come and pick the black stuff off of it, so I replaced it somewhere they wouldn't get at it. I ran out onto a paddock, where there was a shit ton of little birds that all flew into the sky making a great noise, as a couple of neighbour kids shouted at me annoyed. They came over and followed me around, being annoying, so I called one of them a bitch, wondering if that'd get me in trouble, but they didn't seem like they'd tell on me, just laughed.

Playing a game where balls would drop down a maze and we should crush them. There was Aya, who had an easy time doing it just by crushing them under her geta with tengu strength. There was Sakuya, who had froze time and broke several of them with knives. Afterwards she comes up to me showing that they're blunted, I point out a nearby static image of Sakuya with knives, which was an imprint of myself I had left behind, telling her to take those.

I had my hair cut and tied up like Aki Hayakawa's. I was leading an army in a charge, but another army appeared in front of us, its leader standing in front, holding his hand up, saying "Halt! Admirable. But the #1 post(Morgan) says first you need a cooler avatar." and says something about me slouching forwards.

I had demonstrated how to hump a character. I mean, I had a go at it. >>40755070 Just had the information from the dream from before to work with.

Outdoors. I have a skateboard. I ask someone about where the king is so I can show off a trick to him, he points out he's right behind me, walking up a slope.

In a barren field. I'm fighting someone using a skateboard. We fly up into the air, I generated several energy slashes with cool tricks, then sent two of them at once with a large X slash, thinking that would be deadly, but he bursts into flames like a Ds3 boss's second phase Ember, charging at me pissed off, saying "You're only famous because of a celebrity scandal!"

In a backyard. With my skateboard, standing on a fence. Someone talks shit about me not being that good, but since I stay on top of the fence I had a really high value. I saw ~$100k

Near the elevator that leads to Dragonslayer Armour. I creep up on a Lothric Knight with a Monster Hunter Hunting Horn, it notices me in time to block, as I slam it three times, unable to break its guard, then retreat towards the elevator, the sound from the horn having attracted a couple more knights. The elevator had a ladder on its side, the knights climbed up after me, but they were easy to knock off the ladder with the horn. At the top, there's dog enemies clinging around the sides of the elevator shaft, attacking with hooks on chains. Maybe I attack them, until some guy, probably Altaar, shows up. I leave with him, a dog, probably the royal cuck, follows him, while a couple follow me. I stab my dogs to death with a pencil, then throw them over a ledge. Then walking towards Dragonslayer Armour, it's brought up that it wasn't necessary to kill the dogs, then a ton of niconico scrolling text, outraged at me, flashed past, calling me the Tranny Dog Slayer, but I didn't mind since it sounded like I slay tranny dogs. Outside the boss, a platoon of Germans with a fetish for training really hard march out, completely outnumbered us. Their female leader looks and says "Just come in with your two most powerful." as the rest of her army left except one guy, who I wanted a rematch with. I'm most powerful, followed by Altaar, his dog walks off. We enter the Dragonslayer Armour boss room, I fight the guy with a Prince of Persia armblade on the my left arm, using it like a third leg as I ran around wildly, I saw Altaar fighting the leader girl, he turned into Mokou then they get into a silly cartoon facing-away-slap-fight, though she was clearly toying with him. We both lost badly. We say "Damn, we trained for this, you guys train way too hard." The leader admits "Ha, you did train hard" but then just calls us trash.

Took a schoolbus somewhere. Outside, a faggot touches my ass, while some nearby faggot laughs, so I grab him and push him into the assgrabber, making him get his ass groped hard. Then I laugh about me being the Tranny Dog Slayer, thinking it also applies to gays.

I saw three images, representing my brothers and I. First was my oldest brother, the Redpill. He was in a backyard, shouting at his neighbour about the Jews, then calling him a cuck when he didn't care. My other older brother says someone should reign him in, I say "Eh, I don't think he's Based, nor Cringe, not -somethingelse-" he says "But that neighbour had kids, they're easily influenced" I said "As if they'll listen to some crazy guy shouting."
I see my other brother, the Bluepill. He was a fetus in a vortex of water, swirling around and round.
I see myself, the Orangepill. I was swimming in the sea behind three orange jellyfish, looking up inside their bells, as I hear a girl say "Hey! Isn't that perverted!?"

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