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>> No.46729485 [View]
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They seemed to be doing something but Yacchie didn't care, right now she was concerned with getting Anon away from the back door god. And it's not like they could be up to much anyway, they were on the same side after all.

“Come on come on,” Yacchie said, shepherding Anon as they moved into the interior of the Hakurei Shrine experience and then the faux-shrine located at its center.

“I take it that something's gone wrong miss Kichou.” Ran said, bowing very slightly as she watched Yacchie force Anon down onto a cushion before the table.

“Yeah, that backdoor god showed up and started causing trouble.” Yacchie shook her head. “and that Yamawaro is nowhere to be found.” She hadn’t even arrived that day, and Yukari had been too busy to go find her, Yacchie was forced to use some of her own forces, distracting her and them from the gang war in the Animal Realm, she counted herself lucky she had Yukari’s power to rely on.

“Don't worry miss Kichou, I’m sure Mistress Yukari has it handled,” Ran said, again bowing slightly and offering the dragon turtle the bare and politeness and only bare politeness she was required to.
Jackie could only nod and hope Ran was right, as Ran hoped the opposite.

Chen giggled as she stood against the main room's alternate entrance. “Yeah yeah, laugh it up pipsqueak,” Yacchie said, waving Chen off as she stuck out her younger at the dragon.
“Don't worry, I will,” Chen said making a cat pose and giggling, before moving to join she moved to join the others at the table.

“Yes, please,” Yacchie said, propping her head up with her hand as she plopped down into a cushion.
Chen smiled as she flared at Yacchie. “Well, knowing mist-”
Before being cut off the entire building shook, knocking over the four cups of tea just as Ran had poured them all. Sighing, she picked up the pot again preparing to pour more cups of tea as Yacchie quickly scrambled up from the table.

“Wait- dammit, you three stay here something’s going on.” With that, Yacchie slammed open the paper door before running out of the room.

Chen smiled mischievously as Yacchie ran out of the room, abandoning her tea behind her.
Ran nodded in affirmation as she poured the three remaining inhabitants of the room a cup of tea, unphased.

Each of them made sure to quickly, but delicately lift their tea cups before the next boom came.
The tea made Anon miss coffee somewhat, getting up to make it had been part of his morning ritual before coming to Gensokyo, and Yukari had for some reason been very un-fond of the drink.

With another boom, the entire building shook, knocking over the teapot and sending items flying off the shelves as the three sat in silence, drinking from their cups of tea and ignoring the chaos.
Putting down her cup first, Ran said. “I suppose, it’s time to go now Anon, the Yawaro will be evacuating while Yacchie and Yukari will be distracted.”

Anon nodded his head, as Chen popped up behind him. “Yes, I suppose it is.”
Anon smiled an earnest smile as he got up from the cushion he sat on.


Note: So many plotlines to juggle, sigh, well it's not like it's anybody's fault but my own, I am including them after all. It’s always nice getting into a writing groove or maybe that’s the rainy weather, it always puts me in a good writing mood.
Also don’t worry if you really hate Chisazu, she won’t be appearing in this story, this is also the only Nazrin mention I have planned.

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