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>> No.2075073 [View]
File: 54 KB, 600x480, 1234536910301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup butthurt tripfag.

I'm an American (a.k.a the highest on the food chain). Do you really think I care about bangcock? I don't even waste my time remembering European countries because they are all inferior.

But honestly, do you really think I have the time to remember every inferior city? That would literally add up to the hundred thousands. I memorized most Japanese cities because Japan isn't a third world shithole. And fuck you Croatia if you are here to read this.

>> No.2066700 [View]
File: 54 KB, 600x480, 600afghanistan_woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stalin,lenin and karl marx were jews(they had gulag; 30 million died of starvation and cold; among other things; oh; and he didnt do anything about the jews), inventor of the atomic bomb was a jew, us government and 90% of us congress are jews(dont get me started on the problems of politics of usa), ALL of major hollywood and us media corporations are owned by jews, mcdonalds are owned by jews, jews been banished 47 times in europe last 1000 years; for a reason, theyve never done anything good just for the sake of it, they work together; but not done anything kind for eachother; just benefitial for thier power, israel; killing innocents and stealing thier lands(jews lived in peace there before they got 40% of it and all the weapons in the world of jew-owned usa; then they have taken over up to 85% of palestinian land), 33% poverty in usa and still highest bnp in the world per average habitant(capitalistic jews and government), jews think they are the chosen people as said by god; as theyre also very religous;it also said only jews should live and exist;most also thinks thats true, hitler had nothing against muslims and islam; so he wasnt fixated at the skincolor, steve ballmer is a jew, ww1 and ww2 wouldnt been if jews didnt exist, jews invented the first modern concentration camp in south africa,

what have jews good you say? well, holograph and einstein, no more, no less

this is work in progress, but all of this is true, bye

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