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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.11967979 [View]
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chang belongs to anzuchang don't try to steal her memes

>> No.11579550 [View]
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But she's had a song published.

>> No.11528207 [View]
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That's way too much effort on my part, and what good will it do me?

>> No.10890724 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 194 KB, 650x650, 27824163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a letter in the mail that I'm going to be drafted into some kind of employment assistance unit so they could try to cure me of my disability and put me to work.

What do I do???

>> No.10311488 [View]
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Some countries which give autism bucks require that you have to try to look for a job. If you don't look like you've shown any improvement and require "further help" you won't need to actually get hired and they will extend your autism money. Of course if you do get hired well they did their job properly and created another work drone for the unending capitalist money machine.

>> No.10167488 [View]
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chang? so she is a filthy chinese?


>> No.10138130 [View]
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anzuchang because she takes it easy and is a neet like me

>> No.10078499 [View]
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Sunday is for sleeping in!

Good night /jp/.

>> No.9958975 [View]
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thanks for the reply!

>> No.9923886 [View]
File: 194 KB, 650x650, 27824163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're a falseNEET, it's that simple. Please excuse me while I enjoy a hearty bowl of oatmeal made by mom.

>> No.9870191 [View]
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Fear of rejection, guilt for being a loser, feelings of regret, depression and suicide.

>> No.9821858 [View]
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Who would win in a fight, anzuchang or chihaya?

>> No.9742699 [View]
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>But why? Why did they do this? Why does everyone bully us? What do we have? How do they know we are easy targets?

It's fun, I guess.

>> No.9726703 [View]
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>> No.9593103 [View]
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Janitor deleted my thread so I'll move this here.

How do you neets get around for transportation? I'm sure you stay in your room for months at a time but surely you have appointments to make concerning your disabilities and autism bux. Not to mention buying food and stuff.

>> No.9505418 [View]
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Can we please cut through all of this bullshit and admit that the only reason that /jp/ isn't filled with drug addicts is because most of us are too scared to order drugs? It's delusional to think that /jp/ wouldn't be filled with addicts if drugs were easily available to them. These arguments have nothing to do with normalfags or health risks, it's just more fox and the grapes bullshit.

>> No.9482918 [View]
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I really don't see the appeal of opiates. I had a prescription awhile back after a minor surgery and I had my fun with it, but it's kind of dull. Feeling sedated and euphoric every day is boring after awhile.

There's so many better drugs out there, I wish I could understand why people bother with opiates. Stimulants are more fun, psychedelics are more fun, basically anything is more fun than euphoric sedation.

I was so fucked up from those opiates that I barely remember anything from that time period. It's like I didn't even exist for several months I was so out of it. Good drugs form memories or motivate you to do stuff. Sedation is one step above non-existence.

>> No.9441966 [View]
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lay back and it easy

>> No.9416777 [View]
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>> No.9411324 [View]
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You may have been a NEET but you were NEVER a truNEET. Don't you forget it, motherfucker.

>> No.9379533 [View]
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N-no way...

I guess I'm a criminal then!

>> No.9350270 [DELETED]  [View]
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twitchDOTtv/ windragon21312

Watching some Japs play Minecraft.

>> No.9260883 [View]
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I wish I was cute like anzuchang

I wish I was anzuchang

>> No.9246986 [View]
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truNEETS don't make plans, that's what normals do.

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