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>> No.45735132 [View]
File: 114 KB, 850x706, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_kyouda_suzuka__sample-76e809235c5290fbfa4b47e0e30e2741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Is this the fabled 'Absolute Deal'?" I asked, bemused.

"No, because I'm almost entirely certain that this isn't in your best interest. But I believe your mistress will find the spectacle interesting, so why not?" he said.

I took his hand and shook it. "It's not as if the mansion couldn't do with another two troublesome residents I suppose, although I suppose their stay will be temporary?"

"If we survive, we'll come for them. If we don't, well, I'll die before I consider that." He said, staring out into the night.

"On another note, does the Mansion always whisper to it's visitors?" Goro asked.

"I've never heard of such things, but I suppose it's possible." I replied.

"I see, on that note, how exactly does the SDM even manage it's vast stores? And by what channels do you get all these supplies." He asked, changing the subject.

"Well it's actually rather simple..." I began, reciting the logistics that drove the mansion.

For awhile, we talked about the finer details of more base matters that enabled the luxurious environment of the mansion. Every so often gazing at the children and the Amanojaku, playing games with depleting curse swarm, noticing that over time, Remilla becoming less strict and more giddy at each one of her successful shots. I took a few breaks to take pictures of the spectacle, nice additions to my private collection.

Eventually the swarm was depleted and the group approached us, mostly satisfied, but intent on something.

"Hey, hey Goro, if you and Seija fought, who would win?" Miss Flandre asked excitedly.

"Obviously a Youkai would win against a human!" Lady Remilla proudly stated.

"I've already won plenty of times against him, it's no contest." Seija arrogantly said, crossing her arms.

"But he's always leading you around? Wouldn't it be the other way if you were on top?" Miss Flandre commented.

"Perhaps a short contest will settle this matter, the two can fight with the loser suffering a suitable punishment." I proposed.

"An excellent Idea Sakuya! The two will battle until one surrenders and the defeated will have to dress as a maid!" Lady Remilla excitedly said.

"But Goro is a man though? Shouldn't he dress as a butler?" Miss Flandre asked.

"Fu fu fu, It's a punishment my dear little sister, he won't take this seriously unless he's threatened with wearing some frilly garment after all!" Lady Remilla said.

"But, I kind of wanted a butler..." Miss Flandre said, rubbing two fingers together.

"Nah, come on Goro, I want to show these girls how good you look in a dress!" Seija said, putting a fist into her hand.

"Oh, what am I to do? I'll end this quickly then." Goro rose, walking to Seija who's hands were open, ready to grapple him into submission.

"Seija..." He began, "... I love you."

Instantly, the Amanojaku's face went flush, as well as Miss Flandre's and Lady Remilla's. "I-Idiot! We're supposed to fight not flirt!" Seija stammered.

"But I don't want to fight you? I love you after all." He said again, taking a step toward the Amanojaku.

"I know that, but you don't have to state the obvious in front of these people do you!" Seija struggled to say.

"Those two are... together?" Lady Remilla said, covering her face, but looking through the gaps in her fingers.

"You couldn't tell? They're always close and keep looking at each other when they think now one is watching" Miss Flandre said, pointing a shaking finger at the two.

"You'll have to forgive us, I know it isn't too proper, but we're helplessly in love." Goro said, putting his hands around the shaking Seija. "And since she's an Amanojaku, the only time I can shower her with affection like this is when she's absolutely embr-"

"I give up." Seija said, clutching onto Goro.

"So, they're other ways to beat people that isn't fighting?" Miss Flandre noted.

"Ah yes, you see my Dear Sister, woman may have their wiles, but when a lover knows them best they can't help but set that aside and...." Lady Remilla stammered out, trying to regain her composure.

Several times throughout this exchange I stopped time and took pictures of the exchange, getting both Scarlet Sisters embarrassed expressions in one rare shot and several of the couple, which I suppose I'd use if I ever wanted to get Seija to do something.


One more chapter to wrap this particular episode up.

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