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>> No.19249406 [View]
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the hardest lesson in mahjong is being able to distinguish what was shit luck and what was your fault. obviously if you push against a dealer riichi with dangerous tiles, it's obviously on you. If someone double riichi's during your dealer turn and tsumo's two turns later with a baiman, you're just the victim of circumstances. however, players sometimes feel like luck is the cause of their woes when an adjustment to their play style or greater focus on efficiency would have made a huge difference.

newer players (and let's be honest, experienced players too) tend to whitewash themselves of their mistakes by blaming their luck. this is a hurdle that must be overcome in order to grow as a mahjong player

>> No.18653307 [View]
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>10 points from ranking up
>joukyuu downtime
well, guess I'll go bully some ippan scubs for that last morsel
>get fucked every hand and bust

>> No.17919555 [View]
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I sashikomi'd into a haneman last night. ironically I had such a hefty lead that I was still first, so you could say it was a success, but fuck if I'm ever doing that again.

>> No.17240564 [View]
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riichi, toss 5s, deal in, shut it off, drink whiskey and jerk off

>> No.16015368 [View]
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>East round, have over 20k points
>Get ron'd
>"whatever, it's probably a small hand"
>Before the yaku even start listing see the END button on the bottom

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