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>> No.39342903 [View]
File: 258 KB, 933x1200, Megumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one dream, I was in a museum. I thought that I had sold my soul to The Devil, so I will become him, collecting souls for several cycles of the Universe before eventually disappearing into The Abyss with my "score." What's the point of collecting souls if I just disappear into The Abyss with them? I wondered that until I saw a post in a Berserk thread talking about how souls in The Abyss are sucked up as fuel for Idea of Evil, perhaps it's something like that.
I dreamt I entered a physical shed that was also a shitcord server, my opening line was "Will I be the first person to prove The Abyss wrong?" The people there looked at me funny so I said "No one has ever escaped disappearing into The Abyss." I saw the admin of the server disappear for a moment, then come back out with a light gold name, a role called "Immortal"
I was going around with Sanae doing errands, she was opening portals to summon a giant snake in different locations. After we do this we get to name something, like naming a star. Sanae gave a name to a place "thicc snake" I saw that Yukari had been doing errands too and she names things "Yukari" with a number after it. I admired the way she seeks after Immortality.
I was Megumu flying over an Abyssal swamp, out of the swamp stuck a popular car brand name, though even that was barely jutting out of The Abyss. My tengu shoes could allow me to walk upon The Abyss, I believe it may be related to The Ivory Tablets of the Crow, a religious text that teaches the Books of Dreams, also called the language of the Tengu, the Footprints of the Crow, though I haven't seriously practiced it, I think my dreams saying that "the tengu like you", hanging around tengu and having tengu girls swarm over me are due to having at least dabbled. I once dreamt about standing at the opposite end of a train from several Cult of Nyazir members, they hostilely questioned who I was, probably because I am just an outsider dilettante, and now I shitpost about their esoteric way upon this board.
I dreamt of Manus lamenting near the Firelink Shrine's bonfire over the First Lords' machinations, and how immortality is a lie.

As for Hourai immortals, it's probably just like Relius said to Hazama who was experimenting with destroying Rachel. Hazama wondering if chopping her up into bits and throwing them into The Boundary(The Abyss) would kill her. Relius was uninterested, saying he knows several methods of destroying immortals. Perhaps Izayoi's Immortal Breaker could destroy Hourais.


>> No.34814222 [View]
File: 259 KB, 933x1200, E1gIHQpUcAEqhTp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izuna-gongen was known to have performed miracles by bringing rice from the mountain during great famine.
Guess what is usually associated with miracles.

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