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<Aya Shameimaru>
<Gensokyo - Youkai Mountain>
<date (any date)>

A new "Village" makes its shocking debut- A bloody mini incident, and
Studies Suggest Gensokian populations may triple by next year, but what researchers found may shock you. See "This just in-- Population Crisis in Gensokyo??"

Reimu slacking off Again??

Yesterday, there was a small incident --A dispute over territory-- inbetween youkai. One of which was our most friendly resident, residing in the garden of Sunflowers- Kazami Yuuka, and an unidentified youkai. Apparently flowers grew onto another territory to which Yuuka claimed her own. Instead of intervening, Ms. Hakurei, who happened to be flying by, said it wasn't her problem. The same was said by other well known incident solvers, like Ms. Kirisame Marisa, and someone too well known who didn't want to be mentioned said she "can't be bothered" as whilst continuing towards a nearby pond with a fishing rod. All seemed lost until Sanae Kochiya, taking the opportunity displayed before her, took action to end the altercation, but to no effect as it seems to have only made it worse. Various witnesses in different locations recall seeing Ms. Kochiya making her way back home, bloody and bruised, with a trail of "smegma" as one person called it. Saying the stench was familiar. Similar to that of her own piss, or the smegma of some old geezer Sanae sees every night past hours. A bunny then put her hand over the speakers mouth to minimize any odd details. And abruptly left, apologizing for her mistress' harsh words.
Many fairies found present during the altercation when Sanae arrived say she got raped. But even this is a street slang for getting your butt kicked, as per some small boys in the Human Village [, though the term is heavily discouraged there mind you].
Reporters made a visit to Moriya Shrine to ask questions, but little luck was bestown upon them as Ms. Kochiya refused to leave her locked room. Traces of blood and an odd substance were found and tested in an unmarked lab in a undisclosed location and it was indeed Sanae's, but the odd substance from Ms. Kazami? Apparently Ms. Kochiya got her but handed to her and suffered massive injuries indicated by the blood found around most flowers in the Garden. The issue solved itself, but the youkai Ms. Kazami had been arguing with mysteriously disappeared? There are no traces of her being there. Not even a single footprint to indicate how small a girl she was to the fearless Yuuka Kazami!
Today, a mere few hours ago at noon, Ms. Kochiya's ancestor, Suwako Moriya, and supervisor, Kanako Yasaka, announced that they are expecting children soon. Many don't believe such old hags can have children, so they draw conclusions to Sanae and her "secret lover" actually going through with it.
The suspected perpetrator is to be seen in court the beginning of next week.

Alice Margatroid makes a friend??

Today, Ms. Margatroid announced her most delicate and masterful creation, a spot on, perfect, relica of Marisa Kirisame. Many were amazed, and some shocked! One person however, called her a lunatic and claims she should be arrested. Ms. Kirisame was present at the revelation, and she too was amazed at the skill of Ms. Margatroid, but also skeptical as to how certain parts of the doll are so accurate and wonders if there are any ulterior motifs under this miraculous piece of art. Ms. Hakurei has no comment.
Ms. Okina Matara offered an obscenely high amount of money for the doll to be sold to her for keepings, but she was rejected rather harshly. Ms. Matara was deeply saddened afterwards. Marisa had no reaction to the altercation as she snuck away to speak with Reimu.

Yakumo Estate Hiring? Ran Yakumo retires!

Today, Ms. Ran Yakumo announced to the public that she is retiring as Yukari Yakumo's generous caretaker after One-Thousand Years of service! Anyone capable and willing to take Ran's place are to go to the marked location on the map- as instructed, and complete a series of tasks and tests before being seem as competent enough to walk alongside one of Gensokyo's [self-stated] most caring Sage.

What the Hell?

Today, Goddess Hecatia, a Goddess of Hell, annexed former Hell, increasing the size of hell exponentially. Satori Komeiji claims she will commit suicide and take her little sister with her should any more spirits come lingering around to cause a disorderly environment for her and her pets.
Ms. Reiuji and Ms. Kaenbyou both state they is fine with more people coming through. Koishi made no eligible comment suitable for young impressionable reader's eyes.

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