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>> No.44162459 [View]
File: 255 KB, 1461x1652, Sekibanki and friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if on instinct Sekibanki knew malicious forces were moving around her...

It was a placid day today, the sun was high in the noontime sky with clouds providing partial cover and a nice breeze cooling the earth as if the gods themselves were making sure the summer wasn't too overwhelming. The breeze gently rocked the limbs of the trees that lined the path around her and brought the green scented air to her nostril as assuredly as the sky was blue.

It was a picturesque day for all intents and purposes and nothing but the intervention of a god, or a lazy celestial, could bring the weather down. If that was the case than why did she feel uneasy as she ventured down the forest paths heading ever deeper into the the wilderness?

She couldn't figure it out at first, she was a youkai after all and as such nothing should bother her short of the whims of a god or Buddha. Fortunately, she didn't remember upsetting any, meaning that at least that wasn't what was targeting her; if it was the Hakurei she'd already be dead so that wasn't it either.

As she worked her head(s) walking along the deserted forest trail she thought hard thinking of what it could be, what menace could frighten even her; the dangerous, seductive, mysterious, and elusive Rokurokubi? She just couldn't crack this nut, not even as the wide and foggy cerulean lake came into view once she passed the treeline of the dark forest.

The ever vigilant (or so he'd like to believe) hunter had just finished up with his odd job for today netting him a few precious mon that he tucked away into his coin pouch. He was free for the rest of day today and didn't really have a way to spend it.

As part of his education he'd usually find himself shopping for some small offering to bring over, nothing more than a bottle of sake or some ingredients for dinner, but it was polite and the least he could do. Still he found himself uncharacteristically frustrated by the interruption of his regularly scheduled life.

He felt a little disgusted at himself as he couldn't help but wonder who was monopolizing HIS time with... err... to learn! Besides he only meet up with his teacher twice a week, sometimes only once and today was a precious day to learn all he could about the Rokurokubi and other dastardly youkai!

He just couldn't help but curse under his breathe but another feeling was twisted around it, worry. He was sure his teacher could keep herself safe since she was so knowledgeable, but the information she told him worried him deeply since he didn't know where she was off too.

Namely there were two stories that disturbed him, supposedly only known to real enthusiasts like her and knowing itself was a real privilege. The stories were of the many hidden youkai that made the village their hangout, unbelievable of course but since it was Sekibanki saying so...

Of these many hidden youkai, like the crow, the lunar infiltrators, or even the wondering living masks; none were more dangerous than the last of the wolves, and the siren of the still water. Supposedly the wolf was wary of humans and rarely entered but when she did the night would grow still, the Siren would patrol the canals and was supposedly quite the legend among the bargemen for dragging ships to their doom.

If those two were in the village while Sekibanki was running her errands or minding her business... no it wouldn't do to think like that, Sekibanki would never run afoul of such youkai. She was way smarter than that, maybe even smarter than he was!

Still it didn't sit right, he HAD been feeling watched recently after all and no human would pay him much mind, he was no Heida after all. Perhaps... Perhaps news of his amazing exploits and vigilant watch had proceeded himself? If that was the case and more hidden youkai lurked under the surface than...

A shocking realization came to mind: what if they weren't targeting just him... but also those he confided in?! If thats the case... than... NO!

With a sinking feeling the hunter started his search, he had to find Sekibanki before nighttime fell on the village, it was the only way to save her!

>> No.44153338 [View]
File: 255 KB, 1461x1652, 20230728_085422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waggy's other thread died today... Can she keep this one alive?

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