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>> No.9314793 [View]
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Women only date douchebags. I’m a Nice Guy and I’m always left in the Friend Zone. I should just start being a douchebag to women.”

In case you have ever uttered anything like this, at any point in time, let me clue you in on one thing, real quick — that bullshit statement is a bit of a false dilemma. Either you’re stuck in the Friend Zone where women won’t date you because you’re a “Nice Guy” and women “only like douchebags”, or you turn into a douchebag because you want women to date you… By that logic, if you treat women like shit you should be rewarded with sex/love*, and if you restrain from treating women like shit/actually treat them like a human being worthy of respect, then you should be rewarded with sex/love*. No, you fucking sociopath, that’s not how it works. Contrary to the warped version of reality you live in, women have the right to have platonic friendship with men. We are never obligated, at all, to reward you with an emotional investment/ romantic relationship/sex, simply because you performed ‘x’ amount of Nice Deeds. This is not a video game, there is no point system, and thus you don’t automatically advance to the next level because you think you’ve done enough. *I’m editing this to include the word “love” to reduce the chances that someone will misinterpret it as “She isn’t talking about the friend zone I’m in, she’s talking about a friend zone where a guy is trying to get sex only. I’m trying to get a deep emotional investment and sex.” Because if there’s anyone who isn’t the greatest at interpreting what’s being explicitly stated to them, it’s Nice Guys.

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