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>> No.45400642 [View]
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I loved her, I replied. I really, truly, loved her. "Me T-Too..." She wheezed, and I finally managed to convince my brain to loosen me arms slightly, and she breathed in and out heavily in relief, her hot breath tickling my ear. "Oh, that's better." She gasped. "Honestly, I think you squeeze tighter than any spider could." I buried my face in her hair, trying to get my rampaging emotions under control before I asked her to marry me right there and then. "Argh, my hair, you oaf!" She groaned. "Will you stop messing it up? I'm begging you. Honestly, I might as well let you style it at this rate."

Fortunately, some drunk oni happened to look down the alleyway and shouted at us to get a room, and I was finally able to disengage my arms. "Okay, before you get carried away again, let's get going." Yamame told me, taking my hand herself and dragging me along with her. "Or before I get carried away." She muttered under her breath, but I still heard it. "They said it was down this street, wasn't it?" I agreed, saying that Suika had claimed it to be just a bit past the tofu shop. "Let's hope so..." Yamame trailed off, and I looked ahead of us.

Ahead of us, the crowds had settled down to a lot of Kurodani family members. There was a single, large building ahead of us, wider than the Hakurei Shrine and deep as the whole courtyard. It could probably fit Yamame's entire family with room to spare, without even accounting for the fact that they could all fly. "Guess that's the place." Yamame said faintly. "It's good to have friends in high places, isn't it?" I nodded, wondering how news seemed to travel around this place so fast. “I’m pretty sure that Yuugi got everyone in here, right? Seems like the only way on short notice.” Well…Yeah, I suppose that was what had happened.

"Ah, is that - Excuse me!" I heard someone calling, and I looked away from the building and at the street, where I could see something tall and pink pushing through toward us. Lady Kasen looked harried and a little bit overworked. "There you are!" She exclaimed, doubling over and panting for breath. "So many Kurodani's here that I can hardly breathe." Yamame snorted and Lady Kasen wiped her brow and breathed out heavily. "I'm practically stuck on my own out here. My dear partner's vanished, Suika's spending half her time in mist form, Yuugi showed up only to tell me to try and keep too many oni from trying to join in, and I honestly don't know what's even happening!" I blinked, then said that Raki was probably floating in the hot springs after Yuugi hurled her there from the top of the town, Suika had disappeared somewhere behind us, and Yuugi was sorting out food. "...Huh." Lady Kasen said, scratching her head. "How do you get around so much?" I shrugged and said that these things just seemed to happen to me. "Um, okay, I can try and find Raki, then. I don't know about keeping the other oni out, though..." I didn't think it seemed very likely, so I just said that doing whatever she could manage would probably be fine.

"I think they'll be a little bit more respectful than you think, anyway." Yamame said. "Especially when they see that it's a work party, at least for now. Later on, they'll get rowdy." I supposed that was probably the best we'd get, so I shrugged and asked Yamame if we should go inside. "Oh, I suppose so. If only so we can watch Kisami and Reiko beat Yura up." That sounded like a nice bonding experience. "Do you know what? It actually kind of is." Yamame said, looking a little smug about it.

"Right..." Lady Kasen said as she looked between us with a frown. "Er, go easy on her, I suppose. A good lecture will accomplish the same results as a thorough beating, though I wouldn’t discount that either. Helps with oni, at least. I'll be off to find my partner before she does something stupid, then." She nodded at us, then continued pushing through the other people walking around. This time, she was heading in the direction of the stairs downward, toward the largest of the springs.

"She's got way too much on her mind." Yamame commented as we headed closer to the entrance to the hall. The place was definitely big enough for this whole thing, but I had to wonder how many of the Hot Springs Town’s resourced would have been drained by the end. "I suppose we all do sometimes."

Yeah, I thought as I spotted a flash of Kisami's red hair by the entrance. Some of us more than others.

>> No.44886055 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 278 KB, 1500x1700, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_suarokin__264cef21f5f82a111c18be50b1c3afff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving the hermit thread. dying right now would've been too embarrassing!

>> No.44823066 [View]
File: 278 KB, 1500x1700, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_suarokin__264cef21f5f82a111c18be50b1c3afff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Kasen is a very willful oni who's idea of self control was to leverage her youkai nature and magic techniques to isolate a part of herself and cut it off. I doubt she's willing to go through that again, so what you need is endurance and cooking skills depending on what kind of hunger she's currently feeling. It's fine if you aren't a good cook, it's something you can learn, but to endure her lust you'll probably have to get some kind of shady drug from Eirin to go beyond the durability of normal humans.
Even if you managed to strengthen yourself, your life would probably be a cycle of cooking whatever sweets and meats she's currently in the mood for, being dragged by the ankle into her bedroom, and then trying to recover with bedrest from her rough loving in the precious day or two that you have before she slinks up to you again with new requests for food to try.
Is that what you really want?

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