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>> No.43146012 [View]
File: 149 KB, 850x1225, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_hira_san__sample-883fa51e06da2e7de9e81c92377ef339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On my shoulders her bust began to jostle and sway, with Yuuka seeming to dance more than she bounced, her movements perfectly in tune with the ripples in her breasts. More and more I was met with the overwhelming urge to kiss her rolls, to gnaw and sink my teeth into them to satisfy some unknowable primal urge, but this was opposed by my ever-growing need to breathe. As soon as I opted for the latter, shrugging that lovely heft from my shoulders and pressing it against my own chest, Yuuka was already exploiting me; I found myself staring into her blood ruby eyes for a brief moment, before she pulled me in for a deep, smothering kiss.

>I had no time to breathe, none to recover, and even less to find my bearings. Above, pleasure, yet below, the same. When overwhelmed in rapture, one cannot help but surrender to it, and it seemed to gnaw at the outline of my being, threatening to consume me in its sweet promises. I hadn't a clue what I was doing, nor what was being done to me, save for the lustful prodding of Yuuka's tongue against mine and the ecstatic warmth that was beginning to swell below.

>It wasn't so much as a climax as a perpetual, never-ending climb. The unmistakable blankness of orgasm gripped me, took from me my sight and sense of reason, and the still-lucid iota of my consciousness thought it was over.

>Yuuka disagreed. "More," she cooed, in the rare moment she allowed me to breathe.

>There was little I could do to oblige her. Her order rang with a serene clarity that commanded me to obey, and my hips buckled and thrust to the best of their ability, however much they could with their vitality sapped, as if to give more to Yuuka. More. More. More. It was the only word we shared in what felt like days. I had neither a thought to follow nor disobey; it was as if my body was only hers to command, now. I would - could - contest nothing.

>So it came as music, in rhythm, beat by beat. It was as much sound as it was feeling, as taste as it was sight. It numbed the mind, but excited the senses, or perhaps the other way around? I felt my lips move, but without words at their disposal, just as I had so much to say but no way to say it. It was senseless, and it was overbearing.

>Yuuka continued to move. Up, down. She made no indication of her own pleasure but a cruel glint in her eye, amused by the pathetic creature that had surrendered to her, or maybe captivated by its lost innocence. Below I could only squirm, defeated, lost to a guilty pleasure, prey to a greater predator. Had I ever stopped to consider the feelings of the grass underfoot, or the flowers I plucked to put in my home? Hadn't I done with them as I pleased?

>So I was to Yuuka as the flowers were to me. Enjoyment.

>Whatever distinction there was between having passed out and then later recovered was demolished.

>It had been hours, I knew that much. Only for the rising red haze in the sky, opposite to where the sun had once set, shedding its subtle amber hues on the valleys and fields below in a warm embrace.

>At some point I had become alert again, but when specifically, I hadn't an idea. When I did come to, my jaw was sore and my lips dry, my mouth soundlessly mimicking a word repeated, ad infinitum: "Mommy." A shameful, embarrassing thing to speak, but even when I willed it to stop my lips would twitch, conditioned to say it endlessly. Perhaps they knew better than me.

>Yuuka meanwhile had seated me firmly against the tree, smothering me always in her embrace, her hands playing with lengths of my hair, idly drawing swirls only to pet them flat seconds later. Leaning into her chest, her every breath seemed to rock me back and forth, a noiseless lullaby that coaxed me into a truer, restful sleep.

>She noticed my wakefulness. In her garnet eyes, I could see the glint of the sun, rising as it always has.

>"Good night," she whispered.

>I only nodded.

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