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>> No.46786518 [View]
File: 156 KB, 850x847, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_necro_nekurodayo__sample-5fe11e7ef31337436f43d5cfa9ebb7c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Would you like some tea?" Patchouli asked.
"Of course! My favorite kind of tea is free after all!" I told him with a grin.
The man gently poured two cups of tea and was about to place one in front of me, before falling out of his chair onto me, fumbling his tea cup, which was, by some blessing, caught by Koakuma.
"This Isn't working. Do you have to sit next to me? It's so informal." Patchouli asked as he carefully moved himself back onto his chair.
"Marisa would probably do the same I think." I said, dropping the act, leaving out the 'if you didn't shoo her away at every opportunity.'
"That's... true." he said, rubbing his chin. "Well let's move on, how have you been feeling now that you've had time to acclimate?" he asked, pulling out a quill and some notes.
"Ughh terrible frankly. I'm too short to reach anything, too weak to carry half of what I used to be able to, this long hair's always getting in the way and takes forever to clean, in fact, I'd say I spend four times as much of my waking hours on grooming alone!" I complained.
"I see. At the very least you have the aptitude for it. In terms of femininity, it seems your on par with Marisa already." He said analytically as he wrote some notes.
You could thank Miss Sakuya's militant posture training(although I'd never say that aloud) and the devils treating me like a dress-up doll, but still, a part of me felt glad to hear the compliment, even if it was stated so matter-of-factly. Which reminded me...
"So, have you given any thought in how to turn me back? I see you're writing a lot here..." I began, leaning over to him to get a better look at his notes.
"Idiot! Don't..." He jumped as I leaned into him.
'Marisa's making casual conversation with me, Marisa's lip gloss is pink today, Marisa is sitting very close to me, Marisa smells of lavender, Marisa's hair touched my fingers...' All that was written was various notes about Marisa(presumably myself in this instance). "This is uhm, exposure therapy is a real struggle for you huh?" I asked.
"Yes, now if you'd please get off of me, they're touching." Patchouli said.
I looked down to see that indeed, my chest was pressed snugly against his arm "Sorry! Didn't mean to give you a heart attack!" I said, quickly jumping away.
"Don't worry yourself, my new heart medication is the best in the world. Those... that chest of yours is proving to be more of an issue than I thought however." He said, somewhat short of breath.
"Yeah, these things are the worst. They're heavy, throw me off balance, sometimes they fall out of the bra, it always feel sweaty, and all my clothes feels too tight around my chest..." I listed off.
"Well I think they're great! The scarlet devil mansion already has mature shapely woman like me, thin and slender woman like Sakuya, and Flandere as our petite representative, those two happy accidents of yours mean we can cover a whole new category-" Koakuma happily chimed in before getting a piece of chalk square to the face.
"As I was saying, what about your general mentality?"
"I'm not sure. Everything feels more 'fluffy' I guess? Somehow I don't feel so out of the loop when the other ladies in the mansion are talking, but I don't understand why."
Patchouli nodded, taking note. "And what about sexual desire?"
"I, I beg your pardon Master?"
"You told me before when I asked that you were frequently distracted by Koakuma's and Sakuya's short skirts, I have it written down somewhere, are you still experiencing those feelings?"
I felt myself go completely flush. Did this guy have zero common sense to ask me something so candidly? "I still think they look nice I guess? the thought doesn't keep me up at night like it used to though."
"And what about men? Have you felt any attraction to Remilia or Myself?" he asked.
"That's uhh, I think the young master's too um, young for that, and as for you well, we both knew each other while I was a man so..."
He tapped his quill impatiently before getting up. "That wasn't the question." He turned to me and gently lifted my chin up so that I looked into his deep purple eyes "Does this excite you?"
My mind sprung to any escape hatch it could find to avoid the rising heat in my chest 'Did you get this out of a sappy romance novel?', 'Why don't you just ask one of your Devils?', 'Who'd get aroused by a gloomy guy like you?', but he was tall and, I'll admit begrudgingly, handsome and this stupid female body was reacting to that.
"I..." I stuttered out, gently clasping onto his hand. "...I think..." Koakuma, recovered from her chalk trauma, stared on starry-eyed "...that I..." his eyes were firmly locked in to mine, expecting an answer. "...am about to faint."
Once again, the heat rushed to my head and I fell onto Master Patchouli, completely incapacitated by my feelings.
If this idiot applied even half of that intellectual curiosity into love Marisa would, well, I wouldn't be the mansion's dedicated dress-up doll I can tell you that!

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