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>Trick Timeline
Takano, through her certain will to become God, invents the 8MS system, which ultimately dooms humanity.
She merges herself into the 8MS as an AI, losing her emotions in the process, and becomes Vier.
The 8MS system eventually mutates into the zombie plague.
Vier, through a miracle, creates an immortality 8MS and uses it to produce an immortal clone(Koshka) she transfers her mind(Jestress) into.
Mad scientists dissect and torture Koshka and manage to create a machine to cure everyone(Featherine), but it's too late.
Humanity either dies or becomes zombies, but the machines slowly round the zombie up, try to cure them, and hook them up to virtual reality(the fragment sea).
But the cure(Featherine) is incomplete, it's memory preservation ability is damaged(it becomes Hanyuu), and people constantly go insane or lose their memories. In order to combat this, the occupants are paused when they die and the simulation is reset once everyone dies, bringing everyone back online at the beginning.
Vier merges with the system AI, becoming Oyashiro-sama, and tries to figure out a way to solve the issues by experimenting on the occupants.
Koshka, due to her unique biology, is partially immune to the reset and leaks memories of previous "loops" into the next.
She poses as Oyashiro-sama's daughter and assists her in managing the experiments.
"Oyashiro-sama" eventually goes over the deep end with horrible experiments and the people turn against her.
She's killed by Koshka and her memory device is damaged, splitting her into Hanyuu and Takano.
But over time, even Koshka's brain starts degrading, and she starts losing memories as well, eventually splitting into two personalities, Rika and Satoko.
Takano, along with many other virtualized scientists, begins to research Hinamizawa syndrome(the memory degradation), and after many many loops, they manage to make a breakthrough and partially restore the memory system(Hanyuu becomes Featherine)
Satoko, one of the main test subjects and co-habiter of Koshka's brain, begins "looping" like Rika.
The two of them start going insane from ecessive memories, and with the system's(Featherine's) help they leave their fragment and become wandering minds(voyager witches)

>Magic timeline
In the beginning there is Miyoko, there is no magic, no virus, and no time travel
Miyoko grows up to become Vier
Vier makes contact with Tamura, an alien goddess/virus, and becomes her miko
Using alien technology she creates the zombie virus, AKA Une
Using both viruses/godesses she creates Koshka/Jestress, and a hybrid virus/goddess Hanyuu
KJV works with Tamura to spread Hanyuu everywhere to protect people from Une
This plan fails, most people just go crazy, KJV goes back in time even further for one last attempt
In the process of travelling, KJV splits up into three people
Hanyuu gets sent furthest back, and lands in Onigafuchi swamp
She becomes known as Oyashiro-sama, and spreads Hinamizawa Syndrome amonge the villagers
Miyoko is born, and becomes obsessed with Hinamizawa syndrome, becoming Takano
Koshka and Jestress arrive, born as Rika and Satoko
They become trapped in a loop with Takano
Hanyuu matures and becomes Featherine
Featherine uses a timeloop to turn Rika and Satoko into Bernkastel and Lambdadelta
Lambdadelta goes back in time and makes their creation certain, regardless of future changes
Bernkastel goes back in time and prevents Miyoko from becoming Takano, she becomes Vier again
Tamura annd Une arrive, but Bernkastel and Lambdadelta fight them off
Featherine creates the virtual world and saves humanity
Une and Tamura go back in time to stop her
They lose a game of mahjong and are defeated
The world is saved!

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