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>> No.46148524 [View]
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It fills you with pride to watch the person you love succeed, though I struggle to hide it and keep my war face, a rather easy task when the old sack of bones sitting across my bride-to-be acts as the most insufferable precious little victim I've ever had the displeasure of knowing, ignoring every point Keine tried to elaborate on and the minutiae of our rebellion. Deaf and dismissive, the worst combination. “We didn't hire a tengu to deceive you, Mr. Hieda. It is more likely that Aya Shameimaru, who conducted an interview on me this morning, told people in her circle and that is why that reporter pursued you. The blame is not ours.” Keine tries to reassure him, but all he does is frown, the revolver in his obi shuffling and making the night sparrow flinch. I mull for a moment, then place a hand on her shoulder, heavy and sure. Mystia jolts, gives me a side glance… Then rebuilds her poise, trying to mimic Keine's soundness as best she can. It's cute. “Nor the blame for the things you have said.”

“I do not believe a word of that, nor have I spoken a lie, woman!” His incredulity is palpable. “With your powers, there's no need for Eientei… You magically aborted my little girl, devil.” My eyebrow twitches, mouth purses, and it takes a lot to not commit heinous acts in front of my children. This jiji…

“Mr. Hieda, you keep saying that, yet you have no proof but that they were… 'revealed to you in dreams'.” A low laugh sounded from the crowd of villagers as Suzu spoke. “You've almost ruined a person's life, and you don't even have tangible proof to back it up? Please, stop tainting the Hieda name.” It was cathartic to watch the growing bewilderment and embarrassment behind those ‘scary samurai masks' of the men behind Mr. Hieda, who weren't laughing like the fool in the crowd was.

“Thank you, Suzu,” Keine bowed with a smile before returning to Mr. Hieda. “Beside all those points, this revolution is not just about me; it's about a way we can change relations between humans and youkai—it's about the world that we’ll leave for our children, which also means the world Akyuu will live in.” She gestured to Suzu, who tenderly put Aki and Mochi on her arms. Keine's automatic smile as her hands caught them made my posture soften, if only for an instant. Mr. Hieda's disdain only deepened—strangely, though, it wasn’t the same outrage he had displayed up until now. A millennium ago, when I'd see my reflection, that same anger would be present. I doubt I’ll ever forget those eyes on the water’s surface—my eyes—staring at me as if seeing the beast itself… “This one is Aki, and this is Mochi. They're my children, and the Gensokyo I want to leave for them is one that'll welcome them as the civilized—” Mochi grabbed a lock of platinum hair to munch on~ “—people they'll grow to be.”

“You goddamn retard, they're youkai; they’re born monsters!”

“They weren't born monsters; no one is, Mr. Hieda!” Keine's voice rose, sharp and tense, though it softened soon after. “… Circumstances and choices—those make us who we are. These are mere babies. They may be murderers or monsters in the future; who knows…? But today, here in my arms, they're just my son and daughter.” She gently passes Mochi back to Suzu, the boy joyfully trying to reach for the librarian's bells. Gently, Keine then stroked Aki's sparse pinkish hair, her tiny wings slowly flapping up and down. “… Akyuu's death was hard for everyone, but for you, it was devastating.”

“Silence! She didn't fully die! She's waiting on the Sanzu! She'll come back that same girl, and it would've been sooner if you hadn't—”

“—What'll be there for her when she comes back, Mr. Hieda?!” She cuts him, the man's eyes wide and forehead sweaty. “It was devastating for you, but what did you make out of the hardships her departure caused? You didn't improve as a person; you didn't better the world for her next incarnation, despite having the power—the support—to do so… No, you've spent years lying to yourself and that's it.”

“You don't know a thing about me, you devil…” He utters, eyes narrowing dangerously. But Keine didn't back down. Not with our daughter in her arms.

“You'd do anything for your daughter.” Said without hesitation or doubt, no words spoken back; All Mr. Hieda could do was uncomfortably stare inside her eyes. “… Would you become better for the next Akyuu? Would you let the wounds of her passing heal, Mr. Hieda? Because we can do that together! We can make the village better and provide a less fearful and challenging life for the next Akyuu! The HSE, for all the bad it represents, has shown that youkai and humans can live together, even love together… Please give this change the chance it deserves—let’s work to leave a better Gensokyo for our children!” Keine's eyes were wide and overwhelming, and every muscle in my body felt tense. This could be it.

Do or break…

… Years of lying, of hiding behind delusion. Hopefully, the disgrace of a man will see the truth for once.

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