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>> No.47030042 [View]
File: 273 KB, 2360x1640, __cirno_and_clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_shitacemayo__07ad66cb9abc12606b88fd9db2437792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno's best feat is post-clownpiece, so she should probably be considered the stronger one, but both of them are hard to put down.
Cirno varies from being a weak midboss to being able to make Marisa sweat enough to take things seriously, while Clownpiece ranges from being terrified of Reimu and easily swatted away by Okina to being considered strong even by Hell's standards according to Hecatia.
Meanwhile, while buffed, the purified Clownpiece is clearly a fair threat, while Cirno with her potential drawn out is so powerful it causes her body to break down, and can go toe to toe with one of the most powerful people in Gensokyo.

I think Piece is more reliably the stronger one under normal circumstances, but would be overpowered by Cirno if she's sufficiently MOTIVATED.
Since we never hear anything about Clownpiece during the Four Seasons incident, even though Mai and Satono ostensibly targeted everyone in Gensokyo (explicitly including loads and loads of fairies), she probably wasn't majorly affected during the time and does not possess significant unrealized potential. Junko's powers were still effective because it's closer to an external boost, but Okina wouldn't be able to do much for her.

Now as to what would happen if Junko applied her purification onto a Cirno who had her back door opened and full potential drawn out... Well, good little boys and girls don't need to worry about that.

>> No.46123922 [View]
File: 273 KB, 2360x1640, __cirno_and_clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_shitacemayo__07ad66cb9abc12606b88fd9db2437792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In spite of the decades of tengu propaganda claiming otherwise, everybody knows that Rumimi only eats outsiders and not genuine human villagers. Please stop with this deranged libel. I know you're still upset that the last human villager spotted on the mountain by the white wolf special forces brigade was found balls deep inside of her warm and tight youkai pussy, but it's not her fault that you girls are so terrible at seducing human men.
Did you get tengder mixed up with tengr, which the male tengu use for their hookups? Of course the white wolf brigade is banned from there; the male tengu don't want to see any of their filthy womenfolk while they're prowling for hunks on the 'net.
Tengder is available to any tengu. It's just that the tengorithm is heavy weighted in favor of the higher castes and daitengu, with the lower castes such as the wolves only being allowed to feed on the scraps.
Not like it makes much of a difference, though, given how it's filled with fake human male accounts. I'm not sure if there's even any legit human profile on there.

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