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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.40506823 [View]
File: 165 KB, 908x1033, Queen in Yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Altaar saying that he's my Slave Knight Gael.
Someone/something calling him the Strawberry Wolf, which made me wonder if he's a furry.
I walk past Yukari with a small group of others. I hear her talk some kind of shit about me so I face towards her from a distance, kneel and mime kissing her hand as a "sorry". Then she sends a swarm of hornets to lay eggs in me, I ran into a house all about it, remember that I have an ability to generate a clone for these hornets to use instead but try to save it. I nearly get caught by them while exiting the house through a window so I think fuck it and let them do their thing with a clone. Then Yukari's acting like she's in labour. One guy is saying to bring her down to the stream so they were doing that for a second before I grabbed that guy's hood and tore it off, recognising him as Altaar and attacking him before he disappears. I shouted "Bitch!", I hear an indignant response so I repeat "Bitch! You run away literally every time, bitch!"
In my room, adjusting the Yukari fumo hat on my Venus statue, the hat also being a marble carving. I stand in front of her, resting my fingertips and maybe chin atop a little pedestal that was around her neck, so I'm face to face, praying that I don't have to deal with any corruption.
In Irithyll, I was getting chased by several people across the giant's area, then just one tenacious person, while my controller was switching off due to low battery. I black crystalled out.
Wake up in a bed, Bernkastel was standing beside it, then noticed on my nightstand next to me she set up a doll of Battler hugging a Bernkastel doll. I saw a little paint stain at the end of the doll's sleeve and thought that was bad, then noticed the doll was covered in intermittent splotches of all different colours, which seemed fine in its uniformity.
I go to a classroom to leave a Yukari comic on the middle of the floor. I hopped over a guy's desk and we annoy eachother somehow so the teacher says she's making us sit together. I respond "yeah right, I'm just here to leave my comic." I go to the middle and open my pencil case to pull out a comic strip, but I several different pages of scribbles and didn't know which to use. I go over to Yukari with a guy, she's showing him a picture of an old man face which the other guy has to guess something for. I say "V for victory" then think I shouldn't have given it away, so I say "spoiler". The other guys starts trying to guess not realising I already said it, so Yukari says "spoiler" and he says "V for victory."
Saw a post on /a/ talking about a waifufag saying he's just acting, in response they posted a picture of their waifu in yellow, notably the yellow felt "sacred"
In a crowded classroom. ZUN is talking to some people while holding his arm out doing something. I positing myself so he's holding his arm out and stroking my beard for a few seconds, before he turns and sees me, then stops. I leave, some guy comes up to me impressed, maybe he was awkward and was impressed by how awkward that was. He invites me to sit next to him. I mention I'm the Demiurge, which also impresses him, he seems to believe it readily. Then I leave, but I watch through the door window as either him or a teacher asks everyone "Do you believe that guy is the Demiurge?" Maybe 2 of them, including the guy I sat with, raised their hands. Then asked was "Do you believe that you are the Demiurge?" for this at least a couple of others raised their hands. Then some other Demiurge question I don't remember.
I'm at a sink with little models of characters in it. One of them was a lady who I was sad about, in the route I was in, hers, she acted unhappy and mean but when I took other characters' routes she was happy and kind.
I'm selecting a character in Smash, hovering my cursor and going between the three different screens of characters. I passed over Peach a few times, I'm not interested in her but she was calling herself "Peach Lapis" the end of which sounds like piss. After hearing her say piss several times I select her since I think it's kind of hot.
I'm thinking that I have a ton of repressed rage, thinking about me winding up in jail and ending up beating someone to death.
I'm with Yukari who's annoyed about us having to deal with shitty faggots fucking with us. I say we're just in a Bad End, not the True End, "True End" making her lose herself in thought as she stared into space. Then I say "Well, I really hope we don't have to deal with this shit in the True End."
I left a house for moment, seeing someone across the road I eyed him a bit, then went back inside. Someone comes in with a notice saying someone noticed Adam and that he has to change his name in 40 days. Yukari is with me and I say something about changing my name right away. She says "That's really shy. Come on." as she held her arms out like a bird spreading its wings.

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