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>> No.6723032 [View]
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So this seems like another pointless meta world wank off.

All I ask is, Erika where?

>> No.6660607 [View]
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Listen OP, the beauty of Umineko at the moment is that it CAN have so many legitimate endings.

There's enough clues for Jessica, Rosa,Kyrie, and even Hideyoshi to be the culprit.

A true chessmaster doesn't follow a single route to victory, but rather makes sure all paths lead to victory.

Or Ryukishi is a hack and this will be the most glorious trainwreck of an ending ever.

>> No.6654507 [View]
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Lion died as s/he lived, covered in pussy.

>> No.6630147 [View]
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Hahaha, yeah, two thirds of her. It's play acting, Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice.

It ain't DID, it's just one entity.

Anyways, she wrote "fanfiction", which she fully intended to act on. Hence why s/he didn't tell the adults about the bigass bomb until after they wrecked her shit and solved the epitagh.

Seriously, this is important. You CAN'T SAY that Yasu wasn't going to actually kill people when by the VERY ACT OF NOT TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT THE BOMB AND PRESENTING THE EPITAGH she already, in a sense, was ATTEMPTING MURDER

The reality of the situation had her plans not work out, but that doesn't change that fact that s/he was playing with people's lives.

>> No.6551435 [View]
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I'll bite.

Delusional Shipperfags, all of you.

Seriously, Yasu is one of the most selfish characters I've had the misfortune to come across in any visual novel. Not one, not two, but three people who love him/her, and his/her solution is to play a deadly roulette where a bunch of people will most likely die?

Yeah, how about no.

>> No.6004231 [View]
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Anime Battler was here. Enjoy your hermaphrodite, faggot. I disproved magic and went back to my family. Hell, George can have Shannon now that I know her "little" secret, ihihihihihi.

>> No.5956423 [View]
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Oh look, it's a troll on /jp/ in a Umineko thread.

>> No.5763235 [View]
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See, Battleeer! Despite that brave young man's efforts, I just killed him and Jessica with magic!
>implying magic exists
>implying you're not Kanon
>implying you didn't use a knife to kill Jessica
>implying Jessica's straight

>> No.5493619 [DELETED]  [View]
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Gentlemen, I have come to realize, Battler is a genius. The reason why he hasn't saved his family or moved on to heaven or whatever is because Purgatory and Beato are much more FUN.

Think about it, in heaven he won't be able to troll or be trolled, and in the real world his waifu has already been tapped by Kinzo, Jessica, and George of all people.

By remaining in the Meta-World, he gets to be an awesome sorcerer with a kickass waifu, and he doesn't have to worry about all that other shit. Just endless entertainment, trolling, and witch tits.

>> No.5378993 [View]
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Does anyone survive Rokkenjima?

The only people I think who might are Eva(well, duh), Battler, Sayo, and Jessica.

If only Sayo survived, I will not be a happy camper. There's bittersweet, and then there is ungodly depressing shit.

>> No.5358468 [View]
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I'd lol hard if Battler got NTR'd at the end by Jessica.

>> No.5314777 [View]
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This is Battler. Battler is a massive pussy, an unashamed sexist, an anti-social fucktard, and just a really unlikable person in general, but he still manages to have three girls who want his dick. One is younger and sexually confused, so that makes sense, but one's a pragmatic witch and one is a fucking BADASS WARRIOR JUDGE. What the hell?

Is this wish fulfillment bullshit common in visual novels? The only other one I played was Higurashi and K1 wasn't nearly as obnoxious as Battler but he didn't seem to be an interesting person enough to warrant five girls wanting him in their pants.

>> No.5113414 [View]
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Man up and fuck that yandere maid. It'll give you magical powers and shit. Trust me, I know. Also, who gives a crap that other people have the same name as you? That's not a big deal.

>> No.5084799 [View]
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Same thing happened to me the other day.

>> No.4912075 [View]
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More like Bitches and Whores the VN, amirite?

>> No.4761297 [View]
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Hm, I just KNOW there's a contradiction in Kanon's statement somewhere.... I just can't figure out what it is!

>> No.4728474 [View]
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I believe you have us confused with the Jessitricefags.
We're the Doubletricefags. And while I'd be ok with Suit Beato ending up with Battler, that's not why I believe in the theory. I believe in it because I think it's true.

>> No.4720841 [View]
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Battler brings up the possibilty of Jessica having a "witch-like persona".

Evatrice laughs and promptly....
sidesteps the question, and doesn't deny it.

Battler is so flustured he doesn't notice what happened.

>> No.4706317 [View]
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>> No.4693142 [View]
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What an inelegant girl, spoiling Ronove's jest like that.

>> No.4469287 [View]
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Yeah, she said snakes don't have legs, truly she must be a moron of epic proportions.

>> No.4339696 [View]
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I could manage as much, yeah.

>> No.4286699 [View]
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Of course! My old man was also less than a kilometer away. Oh man, I was wondering how I could possibly be correct about my statement, what with Kanon being a girl and all, but it all makes sense now!

>> No.4246088 [View]
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You mean Jessica.

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