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>> No.36842824 [View]
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>those answers are valid for his way of life and he's happy with living that way and helping others.

That's not true though, is it.
Nasu makes it clear in interviews that Shirou only "becomes human" in HF, and "after death" in Last Episode, which he didn't want to write and was forced to.
He has nothing positive to say about Fate and UBW Shirou, and he constantly refers to HF Shirou as the "adult" one.
Even Archer's death in UBW is a mockery. Nasu says that smile is for Rin's sake and nothing else. Archer will still be bitter despite what went down in the route.
Even Saber's story is reduced to "you tried, you failed, now fuck off and die already", hence why he never bothers talking about what happens to her in UBW and HF, despite making sure you know Sakura will never be saved in Fate and UBW, and it's your fault for being an immature reader for liking those Routes.

If you like Fate and UBW you're a manbaby in his eyes.
That's just true. He's not even pretending that HF isn't the most "true route". Just look at the pic.
If Fate and UBW have any value, it's just to be the filler footholds for HF.

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