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>> No.46825145 [View]
File: 221 KB, 850x1200, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_nenobi_nenorium__sample-ce63929987b077050e71aff8ef6509ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Master Patchouli, I've finished re-inventory. Only two books have gone missing." I told him as stoically as I could manage.
"Ah, that's good. Thanks for your hard work." He said robotically, avoiding eye contact.
It had been awkward between us since the recent incident, the story of Patchouli saving me from molestation by the Young Master and Mistress and then coddling me to sleep on the couch had spread like wildfire through the mansion and there seemed to be no end to the teasing we received. Well, maybe the Master got a little less, seeing as he always had a book besides him to bludgeon offenders, I on the other hand, was a dainty girl below five feet.
"Will you be needing anything else?" I asked.
"Actually yes, I have something for you." Patchouli said, putting his hand on a box and beckoning me with his other.
A gift? My heart leapt a little at the thought. 'No' I thought, 'Don't get your hopes up, it's undignified.' So I shook away the excitement, mustering all the training Sakuya had given me.
"I need you to run an errand to that antique shop tomorrow, Kourindou, I believe the hoarder who owns it might have some of the missing reagents I require. I'll be sending Sakuya with you as well." He tasked.
"Hmmm, not to object Master, but why send the both of us?" I asked, a little confused.
"Sakuya's presence is for your own safety. The black-white witch has an ill-reputation that might put you in danger on your lonesome." He waved. 'You could just accompany me yourself if you were worried about me' I wanted to say, but held my tongue. "As for why I wouldn't just send her, she's too air-headed for commerce. One time she went out for teacups and came back with damaged goods claiming they were works of art." He sighed, leaning his head on his knuckles.
"Escorts aside, it's better if people don't mistake you for Marisa at all so I've prepared this." He said opening the box.
Inside was a large brooch with a purple gem at the center with a matching ascot and ribbon. Jewelry, he was actually giving me Jewelry. "It's beautiful." I said impulsively.
"Yes well, you'll be acting in my stead so it's only fitting..." Patchouli waved. "Now come closer I'll need to put it on you."
"Ah, I can handle that much myself." I said, a little flustered at the idea.
"That's impossible, there's a spell on these that secures their ownership so don't be difficult." He chastised.
Somehow I doubted that, but if it's what Patchouli wants...
Gingerly I approached him with my hands firmly clasped in front of me. He made to pick up the brooch, but frowned, and reached out to my neck instead. Slowly he made to untie the ascot I already had on, but had forgotten to take off myself. Already stuck in this position, I relented to his effort, and tried to stand up a little straighter to make it easier on him, which was a grand mistake as, in his bumbling, his hands would occasionally brush against my bosom. The uncertain nature of the touch made it all the more shocking, and each time it happened I'd feel a tingle in my chest and would clutch my hands a little tighter. Patchouli himself seemed to be struggling just as much as I, focusing intensely on my neck, neither able to look up and possibly meet my eyes, nor down at my chest. It couldn't be... my nipples weren't poking through my bra and dress where they? No, no, calm down, I'm just paranoid because he's looking at me so intently and his hands are so close to my neck.
The experience thankfully came to a lull as he finally managed to undo the thing and pull the garment off my person with a satisfying grace, folding it over, Patchouli then picked up the purple ascot and, navigating it around my collar, causing me to squirm ever so slightly when his finger tips touched the naked flesh of my neck, completed the operation by slipping the purple cloth throw the metal ring of the brooch and tying it off.
We both let out a sub-vocal sigh of relief until Patchouli said "Now for the ribbon, turn around." he asked and I complied.
Unlike when I was facing him before, from behind his hand were more sure as he lifted my hair and deftly undid the black ribbon that held it up. His old clumsiness returned as he made to tie the purple ribbon in it's place, or at least I thought it did, it seemed like he kept lifting my hair, letting it pass through his hands and fall onto my back. "Even while I'm sitting, this height makes it difficult." He murmured.
And just like that, an insidious, awfully lewd idea took hold in my head. The kind of thing Koakuma would think up and do on impulse. Master was asking me to run an errand without accompanying me though right? It was okay to do this much wasn't it?
Giving in to the desire, I pulled my dress under my knees and hopped backwards onto Patchouli's lap.
"Excuse me!" He said, startled.
"Now it'll be easier to tie my hair up right?" I told him.

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