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>> No.46902339 [View]
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-God Squad-

Shou took a deep breath as she heard the explosion from the village. Not turning her head, she asked. “Please, tell me there isn’t a giant ball of hate fighting a tree in the middle of the crater that used to be the human village.”

Cirno from her position next to Shou. atop Tenma's face raised her hand and everybody stood silent. The fairy proceeded to hop up and down on Tenma's face, hand still in the air as Shou looked forward with a blank expression ignoring her.
After a minute Shou relented, turning to look at the fairy with a pained expression.


“It was a rhetorical question Cirno.” Shou sighed as she stepped off of the Tenma’s body.

“Hmm, looks like we’re going to have to put that Okina question on hold for now.” Suwako ribbetted.

“I do wonder…” Sanae trailed off, holding her Gohei in her hand as she gazed out to the human village, the forms of Reimu, Okina, and Yukari locked in combat.

The tendrils of black ooze launching projectiles and swatting at their erstwhile allies.

“She probably had a hint of this at least.” Kano sighed.

“Wait! What do you mean?” Cirno exclaimed scrambling through the air behind everybody else as they prepared to take off from the Moriya shrine, the battle in the distance providing an ominous backdrop as bolts of white lighting shot from the giant tree, splattering the tendrils of cursed liquid as they rose from the ground.

Shou sighed, looking to Cirno, and then back to the continued chaos in the now former human village. She shook her head. “It’s not important right now Cirno, let's get this over with first, then we can question Okina afterwards.”

With that, they went off to join the fray

-Suika and Yuugi-

“Jeez, what’s even going on?” Yuugi scratched her head and she punched a tentacle, splattering in across the ooze covered streets, only for it to reform a moment later and be greeted by another instantly lethal punch

“Dunno?” Suika took a sip from her gourd as she dodged the swipe of a tentacle and the laser it launched, casually dismissing it with a wave of her hand and a laser which would go on to drill through a house.

As if in response to the Oni’s questions, a flash of lightning shot out from the giant incandescently white tree, scattering the knee high ooze around the two oni and leaving behind a generic looking girl dressed in brown in the crater it left behind.

Without sparring a second she began quickly and breathsly rambling, not waiting for the Oni to respond. “Hi yes, I know what’s going on. Sorry about all of this, but my name is Sekai.” I’m that big tree over there and I need somebody else's help to constrain him.” Sekai said, finishing off her statement by poinint at the ball of hate floating above Gensokyo as the limbs of the tree reached towards it like grasping hands.
A second later red and green lasers flashed into existence flying towards it before being dissipated by a black-tinted explosion emitted by the orb that shook the ground. “Miss Okina is already helping me with that, but it’s not enough.”

Suika and Yuugi stared at her for a second before shrugging in unison.
“I’ll help the rest down here and prevent this stuff from getting to the ball, okay Suika?” Yuugi asked, going off to fight more of the mob tentacles trying to scale the tree of attack people.

“Sure thing Yuugi.” Suika said, nodding to Sekai before, smiling and taking off towards the giant ball and the fight in the sky.. “This’ll just take a minute.”

The ball of hate writhed and then grew an eye, a hateful thing which stared at Suika balefully. “Duck!” Someone screamed, and then the eye released a blast of energy slamming through the black cloud Suika poofed into and igniting the sickly oil that covered the village below.

Suika caught a glimpse of Hana, Reimu, and Yukari out of the corner of her eye. The three of them locked in a stalemate and constantly teleporting.

“Okay, kiddie gloves off fuck’o.” Seija reappeared in an instant, a look of anger on her face.
The masses eyes widen as Suika channeles her ability, increasing the density he’d within the palm of her hand, and returns in kind, increasing the density of a point in space in front of it.
Both smile as two black holes erupt into existence.


Note: Small update this time as I squished two chapters into one and fast forwarded what was going on.

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