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>> No.46912568 [View]
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Hana couldn’t help but smirk at that, her slapdash training had barely borne fruit thanks to the skill of her mentors. Still, she wanted to play along; after all, she realized what made her so uncomfortable: These girls were simply overly pampered and coddled! Sanae was a gentle woman, she loved loving others and helping them grow to the point of it getting in the way. The food was too delicious, their knowledge and skill were academic, their home was too comfortable, and there was a bigger issue with these girls she couldn’t ignore. They were all inexperienced, and have never faced any life-or-death situation despite their training in danmaku. Hana had doubted they’d ever even had to face down one of those feral youkai that bothered the farmers.

Smiling, and keeping it from turning into a grin, Hana responded with the voice of a disappointed parent, “That’s right, after talking and sizing you up I can safely say there’s no real threat here… In fact, I think I could beat any of you girls down!”

That seemed to rile them up, which must have been what Sanae intended, given by how she beamed. Hana was happy to play along, these girls just gave her the wrong feeling, she was sure they were nice girls. They were all friendly, and if Sanae wanted her to mingle with them they were good people. However, they were too comfortable, she didn’t have anything even close to this level of luxury at home. Honestly, it kind of ticked her off seeing how nice Sanae must have treated them every day. She couldn’t describe this shameful feeling that came over her, but she wanted to prove to all of these girls just exactly who was the top dog here.

The girls took the bait, she felt like one of those old men out along the riverways of the youkai mountain; catching so many fish during spring they could feed five families for a day. Sayori especially took the bait, as well as the other girls egged her to right that slight, she shouted, “T-then I’ll show you just who’s better at danmaku! Sanae-sama taught me ever since I was child. I won’t lose to you!”

The smile turned into a grin, Hana felt good knowing that read Sanae’s intentions to the letter… and knowing she could blast this whiny girl in the face… Clapping her hands together, Sanae let her voice boom over the din of the lunch room with practiced ease, “Alright! Everyone, after we eat, we’ll all get to watch a danmaku battle!"

>> No.45804040 [View]
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The waters of the pond-turned-hotspring were pleasantly hot, a good bit warmer than she normally likes it, but the freezing chill of the air more than made up for any discomfort. For a bit, no more than a few minutes Hana felt like a child again as the tension bleed from her. She was trapped in here with a tyrant and monster, that was undeniable, yet for a few days at least that tyrant would be at her most docile, if Hana knew her mother. Even what seemed so long ago, when they lived under her terror as a fact of life, she would have these days and weeks of placidity spurred on by whatever passed as guilt in her sake-addled mind.

Hana fell into the habit of enjoying what she had when she had it; so, with whimsy coursing through her veins she let her hands scoop up the water and toss it into the air. It’s as if she was a child again and played with the fairies in secret behind the shrine when her mother wasn’t looking. She admired the light of the moon and stars refracting inside the droplets and dancing across her eyes like the ice that fell in lazy waves earlier today. The stress and pain of today cooled under the frigid air that caused her exposed skin to shiver, her damp hair to nearly freeze, and sent a thrill of excitement throughout her body.

Sour memories, ones that have been running through her head nonstop, bleed out as she laughed out loud and practically danced through the chest deep water of the deepest part of the pond enjoying how it moved as she used her powers create unique patterns. Without a care she dived into the water, breaking bathing etiquette, as she swam the short distance and played like she was in a river. The hot water became pleasantly warm as her body acclimatized; all terrible thoughts were ignored for a time as her muscles sang out in pleasure from the relaxing feeling permeating Hana’s skin along with the heat. Floating on her back now, she watched the emerging stars grow in power alongside the half-moon as the night truly took hold and bested the sun’s brilliance.

All things come to end however, and before her skin got too pruny Hana left the pond; dashing to the change of clothes that hung on the partition separating her sight from the shrine’s rear. She used the towel to quickly wipe off the excessive moisture from her skin in a hurry before wrapping her hair in the towel itself. Her sandal clad feet crunched on the thin layer of fresh snow as she rounded the partition and found the outfit promised, two of them…

An older version of her miko’s outfit sat there upon a small foldable table… alongside the outfit Yukari had made for her.

Hana stared at them; the cold that invaded her body almost forgotten as the sandals on her feet barely insulated her from the frozen winter beneath her feet. She reached out a hand only to pause again before her mind could come up with an answer at this surprising question. The dread and confusion of the day’s events came back in full force after such a delightful time where they were ignored.

Why had her mother seen fit to put them both out for her? She knew that mother didn’t have a good opinion of ma- Yukari, and after this incident she can’t say she had the highest either. Neither did the others for that matter, least of all Yuuka and Marisa.

The embarrassment and terror she felt today flashed behind her eyes as she recalled the gross amalgamation of feelings that caused her to say what she did and reduced her to a sobbing wreck. How they all looked at her as she was being carried out, the terrible anger behind their eyes after they found out about their… relationship, and their comfort that felt inexplicably different than Yukari’s…

Trepidation filled Hana as she reached for the Hakurei uniform, an older outfit made by her father for her only two years ago; left behind in their rushed move as non-essential. It’s faded crimson and off-white fabric was clearly worn out in some areas and stained in others by frequent use, yet her father’s craftsmanship shone through in retaining its quality despite that it was looking a bit small here and there.

Nostalgic and bittersweet memories came from that outfit like fruit from a tree, it was folded carefully and sat alongside her undergarments. Memories of years gone by where she’d experienced life alongside her father; being taught by him and acquiring valuable knowledge, their expeditions with Aunn as they foraged and acquired the tastes of the seasons, and the less savory ones of covering for each other to desperately avoid the wrath of mother…

>> No.45279622 [View]
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So I wrote that she visited everyday in the first ran chapter made itt, and immediately forgot it as I wrote Hana and realized it wouldn't do for a corruption arc if she was corrupt right off the bat.
At the very least I'm decanonizing that bit, since it was my own work anyways and doesn't fit with the current Hana story

Anyways, as for her frequency of visits, there was the first visit at the start of it all, her weekly visits with Marisa that slowed down now that Marisa is pregnant, and the time she accidentally an infiltration.
Of them Ran could know of the first and the weekly visits where she doesn't smell that she did it on her, though aside from the weekly ones its of course up to you to what she knows.
The idea for the infiltration visit is that she left via the way she came in and avoided Ran entirely at least.

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