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>> No.46942283 [View]
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A bit off of the main grounds, where a small lake stood aside cleared ground reserved for festivals and large ceremonies, did the mikos gather for their danmaku duels. Today was gathered a flock of girls dressed in their winterized miko outfits, a troop of blue and white shouted encouragement to their oldest; Sayori something-or-other… did she even have a last name? eh… whatever…

The sun felt good upon her shoulders, shawl removed in order to let her upper arms taste the air. It left her with only her gloves and muffler on, enough to keep anything important from getting too cold. Plus, she didn’t need her number #3 business-miko glare interrupted by an inopportune sneeze.

With gohei firmly in hand, she stared down at Sayori, literally in this case as she made sure to hover slightly above her. Sayori must have been feeling brave, or maybe Hana botched her squint into ‘needs glasses’ territory. Either way, the young miko looked up at Hana without a sign of worry, clearly letting the cheers of ‘do your best nee-sama!’ and ‘show that Hakurei girl why our team leader is the strongest!’ get to her head.

Hana felt good, almost giddy even. She could feel her hand tremble lightly as she thumbed the worn wood, letting the shide smack against her hand and flutter in the breeze as it pleased. The two of them maintained their silence as Sanae ascended between them with the grace of a hawk. She barely took her eyes off Sayori, only greeting Sanae with a short bow as was polite.

Sanae seemed amused as everyone else as she broke the air between them with a clap and her chipper voice, “Alright everyone~!” the girls below fell silent as Sayori and herself were, “It’s going to be a simple danmaku match with myself as referee, standard timeout rules and restrictions apply! And remember, we’re only human, so Sayori-chan; no throwing stars! And Hana-chan; no needles! If you break the rules you’ll have to pick up allll~ the litter on the grounds!”

Both of them gave a sharp ‘Yes!’ as Sayori locked eyes with Hana again, the determined girl gripped her own gohei to her chest with resolve. Hehe, she loved confident ones the most… Hana spoke up as Sanae left the airspace, she couldn’t believe how cocky she sounded as she raised her gohei, “So you’re the team leader, huh? The air up here really must be thin if everyone thought you were the best choice!”

Sayori grimaced at her words before the gears started turning in her own head, with an expression like a light turning on, Sayori’s face light up. A chuckle escaped her lips she jeered at Hana with all the smugness she could muster, “I suppose miko that play in the dirt down below wouldn’t get it, but on the mountain, you have to do more than just bullheadedly swing your gohei!”

Hana’s own grin cracked at Sayori’s words, that niggling sense of annoyance flared as she raised her voice, cutting through the background jeering from the miko below, “Is that because your blessings are so thin that you can’t, or were you too busy drawing happy faces on your gohei to learn to use it?”

A nerve must have struck somewhere in that basic insult, because Sayori’s face flushed slightly before she quickly threw out, “I-I don’t draw on it anymore, and the figurine attached is super cute too! I-its from that super popular Tengu manga you know, it’s not weird!”

Letting an overly smug ‘heh~’ out, Hana made sure she angled her hovering body so that she could look down her nose at Sayori even more. That seemed to annoy her even further, because Sayori gripped her gohei so hard Hana thought she was trying to absorb it, “Y-you! I swear I’ll knock you down a peg; once I win, I’ll make you tell everyone about how much better our shrine is!”

There was no more perfect a moment, with Sayori thrown off balance by her words and the attention of the girls below hinging on Hana’s response; Hana chose that moment to up the theatrics. With one more taunt she put on the show in truth, “You and every riff raff youkai from here to the sanzu, next time I see that cruddy crow reporter I’ll be sure to pass her a picture of your crying face!”

Sadly, she had no wings of crimson fire, nor Yuuka’s passionate showmanship, nor Mima’s refined splendor. However, she had been practicing this in front of Aunn way too much to not be confident. Channeling the blessings of her god, made manifest in the form her illusionary seals, she used her power make the seals flow into an impossibly angled yin-yang pattern. She’d have to work on the black and white danmaku light show for next time, but this works just fine.

>> No.46654102 [View]
File: 3.98 MB, 600x600, hananeverchaineddown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Ah, another day; another innocent for me to spy on!” Said Okina to herself as she sipped some cunnying juice before opening a backdoor. There, she saw Aya struggling to lay her fourth massive tengu egg. Okina smiled softly. “Perfect~”

Last time in the HSE:
>Anon and Dolly have cute moments together. The Hakurei God, in all his wisdom, instructs Dolly to hug Ran and have fun times with Anon. Very cute;
>Hana reminesces about her past and gets a better understanding of her mother and her actions after chuuning a bit more over an uniform -- the conditions that took her to do the things she does and the flashbacks are heartwrenching;
>Yukari does paperwork. Very cool;
>Aya awakens after the excruciating effort that was laying her eggs to discover she's essentially retarded because of the pregnancy, a major shocker! While that, Tsukasa fucks around the HSE and gives Anon another pregnancy pill in hopes of gracing Gensokyo with even more tube foxes; tells him about Aya's pregnancy -- unknown if he took it seriously rather than dismissing it as some weird kink --, then goes to meet the mastermind behind the Kasen fiasco and Aya's curse, Elis The bully vampire! Who has snagged to herself Yoshika for… reasons. With their combined chuuni the HSE doesn't even have a fighting chance;
>Patchouli and Meiling are healed from the merge and the first talks to Remilia, filling her in on the time she spent in the HSE as a spooky ghost, but not Sekai as that may interfer with her manipulation of fate -- I wonder if that conclusion is a manipulation of faith on itself... oh, well --, then Meiling and Patchy have cute moments over Sekai's book and letter who instructs them on how to save her soul and use the book. Meiling teaches a little of Ki control to Patchouli, who uses it to calm herself when she goes back to the library and starts fixing up the place. Apologizes to Koa in a very tender and cute moment, though it ends with comedic violence. Patchy starts to study Sekai's book and gets pissy that Sekai has asked her to use the book as battery, getting even more pissed off with Sekai's letter about letting her demise happen if trying to save her becomes too much. Marisa soon enters and, together, they study the book, Marisa reaching the stupenduous conclusion that the book is very powerful. Awesome. They have a deep dive into Marisa's expertise with magic and discover Sekai has trolled Patchy in metaphysical levels previously unknown, with the cherry on top being in the form of a snarky comment regarding one of Marisa's gadgets. I can't get enough of this trio, fugg…
>Seiga and Mima keep on their fight and, after being humiliated by Seiga, Mima still comes on top because NIPPON NUMBA ONE, FUCK CHINA! Gets a pep talk from Genji and goes home; has her shrine under construction and decides to go to the Myouren to gather some faith;
>Kosuzu braves the HSE after a talk with Anon, going to its intestines despite the fear that is getting caught by someone like Yukari. Tricks a lazy tengu into leaving her alone with some powerful Yama books/files, which she soon discovers were written by Yukari. Peers inside them, the power almost taking her to the edge, but the Suzu recomposes herself and gather important info for the Jobber Squad, leaving the HSE unscathed. You go, Suzu!! After that, has a pep talk with her husband about the dangers of the things she's involving herself with, but manages to get his support after showing her steadfastdness towards her friends. They have cute moments together~
>Ruukoto takes a page from Detective Satori and goes searching for Lemontene. The 'stooges' prepare to flee Makai's lofty accomodations for whatever reason... such ungrateful people;
>Satori is harassed by Okina, then brings forth a big question that unbottles a little bit of madness from inside the secret goddess. Satori discovers Okina doesn't intend to interfere after Gensokyo is majorly fucked by Yukari despite that being her job, 'keeping the balance', and leaves the Land of Backdoors all tense. Tries to rest, but as soon as she's back into the palace she sees chained Koutei to Onikirimaru. Poor Satorin…
>The habitants of Heaven/some stranded Lunarians have a watch party of the HSE, comment on the insanity and so on; they then have a big brawl that annoys Sagume and Doremy, the two of them already stressed out of their mind -- the former with the hell that is the HSE, the latter with the powerscaling hell that is Touhou as a whole.

“Hana trauma dumps” edition!

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

previous thread: >>46529603

>> No.46575072 [View]
File: 3.98 MB, 600x600, hananeverchaineddown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't lose yourself, 'Ana!! Do justice to your name's power!

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